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Number of collections 23,046
Products Count 152,357
Users Count 3,422

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Latest Insights
Akp Akp Very short introduction of EKP website by Arian Kamali, the creator of the website
AKP Group is proud to serve you, dear merchants, announces that with the opening of the AKP representative office in Germany, we have started collecting information about German manufacturing companies. This information greatly helps the trade between Germany and Iran in the crisis of the Quid 19 virus (Corona), where it is not possible to hold exhibitions.
AKP Group invites all commercial companies, especially suppliers, who wish to be represented in this group to cooperate.
In the Instagram exhibition, AKP displays the information of the virtual pages of the collections available on the AKP website for the users, and the registered collections benefit from this possibility automatically.
Arian Kamali,born in 1989 and holds a bachelor's degree in customs management, Fiata (International Transportation) has been able to collect business information of Iranian collections for many years. And the corona virus crisis so that traders can easily introduce themselves to the global market and sell their goods.