Rah gosha kala International Shipping
Rah gosha kala International Shipping
  • Seen : 1075 View
  • Description : International shipping and freight to Afghanistan - Turkmenistan - Azerbaijan - Uzbekistan - Tajikistan - Pakistan - Armenia - Central Asia - Turkey - Iraq Types of truck trucks - insoles - container blades - armpits - refrigerators and tankers Has an office and representative in the borders of Bazargan - Julfa - Norduz - Astara - Bandar Anzali - Dogharun - Milk - Chabahar - Marjaveh - Bandar Abbas - Lotfabad - Sarakhs - Incheh Borun - Bajgiran Perform customs formalities Rail freight to Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan Fruit - Nuts - Food - Pistachio - Fuel - Container load - Bulk load - Perishable load 05138786177-05138768177 Milad Karbalaei
  • Tags : Goshakala Road,International Transport,Cargo Shipping, Afghanistan,Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan,Uzbekistan,Turkey,