Ozone generator for refrigerated food storage
Ozone generator for refrigerated food storage
  • Seen : 494 View
  • Description : Applications of industrial ozone generators include ozonation of air in refrigerators for food, meat, fruit, etc. Today, in all new generation home and industrial refrigerators, this technology is used as an antibacterial agent in order to maintain the quality and durability of food. Also, in food containers and most refrigerators abroad, ozone is used as the latest technology in the world to reduce the microbial load in the air and increase the shelf life of food products. Application of ozone in refrigeration 1- Reduction of food spoilage microorganisms 2. Improve product shelf life in the refrigerator 3. Minimize the growth of pathogens by microbiological inhibition through the air 4. Using low levels of ozone for continuous disinfection of the refrigeration environment 5. Using high amounts of ozone to completely disinfect the container (when empty) 6. Fungal and microbial health 7. Prevent the growth of mold 8. Provide odorless refrigeration and remove ethylene
  • Address : tehransar-Tehran-Iran
  • Tags : Ozone,ozone generator,ozone refrigeration,ozone generator refrigeration,ozone in refrigeration