Naderseresht Industrial Gases Complex
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  • Address : Unit 19-5th Floor-No: 373-Next of 3th Sq-Tehranpars-Tehran-Iran
  • About us : Nader Sarasht Industrial Gases Complex has been registered as one of the reputable companies in the field of industrial gases in Iran in 1996 under the number 123675 with the aim of providing proper services and services to the centers and factories.Almost two decades after its inception, we are proud to have had more than 50 industrial, pharmaceutical and medical centers throughout our ...
  • About us :

    Nader Sarasht Industrial Gases Complex has been registered as one of the reputable companies in the field of industrial gases in Iran in 1996 under the number 123675 with the aim of providing proper services and services to the centers and factories.
    Almost two decades after its inception, we are proud to have had more than 50 industrial, pharmaceutical and medical centers throughout our beloved country. Due to the value of our complex that customer satisfaction, quality and speed of service, innovation and development of its core we have been able to take a leading step in the development of this industry in our beloved Iran and create a suitable platform for high-end companies. Provide areas of saving and optimal use. Currently, this complex has many capabilities in designing, manufacturing, installing, consulting, training and supplying various equipment in the field of cryogenic that due to the different needs of these centers we are ready to provide this service throughout our country.

Cryogenic valves
Vacuum Pip