- Seen : 2204 View
- established year : 1991
- Phone : 00983132238282
- Fax : 00983132236112
- Instagram : golkhandantrading
- website : http://www.golkhandantejarat.com/
- E-mail : info@gtg.ir
- Address : Golkhandan Tejarat Building -Alley No 10 -Hakim St-Sepah St -Isfahan-Iran
About us :
Global Trading Group stands with the businesses which aim at the international or global market. We believe that each company is a unique, institution. We profoundly study the current position, shape export strategy solutions and materialize the company’s export plan by utilizing the human resources.
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About us :
Global Trading Group stands with the businesses which aim at the international or global market. We believe that each company is a unique, institution. We profoundly study the current position, shape export strategy solutions and materialize the company’s export plan by utilizing the human resources.