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  • youtube link : https://www.youtube.com/c/endresshauser
  • Address : Switzerland-Kägenstrasse 2/4153 Reinach BL
  • About us :

    Endress + Hauser (Endress and Hauser) is a Swiss-based globally operating process and laboratory instrumentation and automation supplier. In 2018, the family-owned company generated net sales of € 2.455 billion, recorded a net income of € 232.2 million and employed 13,928 staff worldwide.

  • About us :

    Endress + Hauser (Endress and Hauser) is a Swiss-based globally operating process and laboratory instrumentation and automation supplier. In 2018, the family-owned company generated net sales of € 2.455 billion, recorded a net income of € 232.2 million and employed 13,928 staff worldwide.
