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  • Address : no 7-16th ave-ghandi st-north sohrevardi st-Tehran-Iran
  • About us : Miota company, as a manufacturer and supplier of modern and conventional greenhouses, in the field of construction and operation of glass, plastic and carbon greenhouses, providing equipment and equipment related to the current standards of the world, which have been localized for the different climates of Iran, as well as types of greenhouses Produces Iran. Both vegetables and flowers a ...
  • About us :

    Miota company, as a manufacturer and supplier of modern and conventional greenhouses, in the field of construction and operation of glass, plastic and carbon greenhouses, providing equipment and equipment related to the current standards of the world, which have been localized for the different climates of Iran, as well as types of greenhouses Produces Iran. Both vegetables and flowers and plant activity. The importance of this company in the last 15 years is to transfer and improve the country's technical know-how of modern greenhouses, which has been achieved with the cooperation of European companies, including France's Richel and Holland's Dalsem. For 10 years, this company has managed the exclusive sales representative of French company Richel in Iran.
    Miota company can provide urban greenhouses (Garden Center) that make very beautiful structures in the urban space. Garden centers are not only very strong in beautifying cities, they promote the culture of using flowers and plants in society.
    Miota company also operates in the field of construction and operation of livestock and poultry halls with light structure and sandwich panel covering.
    The livestock and poultry halls of this company can be tall (up to 7.5 meters) and wide (12.8 meters) - speed of construction - lower cost compared to sheds with heavy frames - ease of creating maximum automation - maximum ventilation and no Heat stress is called poultry trap.

Shading curtains and reducing energy loss
Heating system
Facilities hall
cooling system (fan and pad)