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  • Address : Kilometer 75 of Tehran-Qazvin highway-Karaj-Iran
  • About us : Setareh flour company, with a history of more than sixty years of activity in the field of flour production, has moved its old unit from Tehran to Kurdan region in 2002. This project in 1384 on a land with an area of 50 thousand square meters, office buildings with an area of 1200 square meters and a production building with an area of 6500 square meters, including: mill and draining and ...
  • About us :

    Setareh flour company, with a history of more than sixty years of activity in the field of flour production, has moved its old unit from Tehran to Kurdan region in 2002. This project in 1384 on a land with an area of 50 thousand square meters, office buildings with an area of 1200 square meters and a production building with an area of 6500 square meters, including: mill and draining and unloading and bagging sections, as well as concrete storage silos for flour and wheat with a capacity of 30,000 tons. It has been launched in Kurdan region.

    By using the new technology and flour making machines and collecting the data sent from all the machines and equipments and monitoring it carefully by the PLC computer network, Star Flour Company is able to produce flours with different qualitative properties and suitable for various products from different wheats as follows. Prepare:

    1- Star flour for all kinds of bulky and semi-bulky breads

    2- Whole wheat flour for all kinds of flat breads

    3- Soft nol flour for confectionery products and starch making

    4- Non-coarse flour for pasta

    5- Semolina flour for pasta and pasta products

Zero flour
Star flour (fantasy)
barbari flour
Tufton flour and lavash
Coarse flour and semolina
Animal feed