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  • Address : Iran -Tehran -Vank sq -Valiasr AV -Lida Allay -NO2 -AP24
  • About us : We, Caspian designers are from land of kindness and pride, which by relying on our faith in god, we have taken steps in a long way, till by our knowledge and effort we make valuable step in advancement of our honorable Iran and make our production in terms of quality and beauty with modern criteria of other well-known countries in these fieldsIn a way which our consumers feel pride of se ...
  • About us :

    We, Caspian designers are from land of kindness and pride, which by relying on our faith in god, we have taken steps in a long way, till by our knowledge and effort we make valuable step in advancement of our honorable Iran and make our production in terms of quality and beauty with modern criteria of other well-known countries in these fields
    In a way which our consumers feel pride of seeing carved name of Iran on products and be happy for their choice and know that responsibly our team (Caspian designers) is always on the side of consumers
    Because we believe that the effective facts in our success and prosperity after grace of God is choice of our customers and understanding consumers
    In addition this group is on its Aryan thinking (good words, good deeds, good thoughts) as renowned historian: will Durant has said about Iran: Iranians are people, extremely trustful and hones

Nurse Summon System with Voice Communication
Intelligent code declaration system