Baby Rebound Flat 083 Model
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Baby Rebound Flat 083 Model

The baby resuscitation bed has a table of a radiant temperature system, a temperature control system, and various suction alerts and an oxygen control system. This device was previously used for blood transfusion, but nowadays, due to the design of phototherapy, Intenzio no longer needs blood replacement. Therefore, this device is used for the delivery of the baby to resuscitate the baby and also for neonatal surgery. The table has transparent walls to prevent the baby from falling, and has an angle-adjusting system and height adjusting to the height of the doctor or nurse. This device is designed to be used by a doctor when a baby is resuscitated or surgery, suction and oxygen are available. The body temperature of the baby can be controlled by the skin sensor attached to the baby's body. The flatbed resting device has a cut-off alarm on the skin sensor. The temperature is too high and the power outage is alerted. This device is for the examination of infants with a lighting system. The baby's resuscitation bed also allows Xray imaging because of the radiology cassette drawer.

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Company : Tosan
Phone : 00982122097416
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Baby Rebound Flat 083 Model

The baby resuscitation bed has a table of a radiant temperature system, a temperature control system, and various suction alerts and an oxygen control system. This device was previously used for blood transfusion, but nowadays, due to the design of phototherapy, Intenzio no longer needs blood replacement. Therefore, this device is used for the delivery of the baby to resuscitate the baby and also for neonatal surgery. The table has transparent walls to prevent the baby from falling, and has an angle-adjusting system and height adjusting to the height of the doctor or nurse. This device is designed to be used by a doctor when a baby is resuscitated or surgery, suction and oxygen are available. The body temperature of the baby can be controlled by the skin sensor attached to the baby's body. The flatbed resting device has a cut-off alarm on the skin sensor. The temperature is too high and the power outage is alerted. This device is for the examination of infants with a lighting system. The baby's resuscitation bed also allows Xray imaging because of the radiology cassette drawer.

Saler Company Information

Company : Tosan
Phone : 00982122097416
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