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For the first time in the world, Baghban Taq company has succeeded in producing a suspended suspension called Bradofix. Its formulation license has been approved by the Poisons Monitoring Board in 2014. Bradofix fungicide and bactericide is a protective contact that is recommended for the prevention and treatment of all kinds of diseases of seed, stone, semi-tropical, dry, evergreen, small-seeded, vegetable, summer, ornamental and non-fruiting fruit trees.

Berdofix is the best copper fungicide and bactericide with protective effect, with LD50>4000 mg/kg and is one of the healthiest mineral poisons.

Baghban Tak company has managed to receive the approvals of Organic Association, Biosan Guwah and Bio inspecta for Berdofix.

Physical and chemical properties:

After being sprayed on the plant, due to humidity and carbon dioxide, Brodofix gradually turns into complex compounds that regularly release copper ions. Bardofix is without crystal texture and sits completely on the plant as a cohesive and uniform mass, while other copper compounds such as copper oxychloride have separate particles due to their crystalline texture and sit less on the plant.

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Company : Baghban Tak
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For the first time in the world, Baghban Taq company has succeeded in producing a suspended suspension called Bradofix. Its formulation license has been approved by the Poisons Monitoring Board in 2014. Bradofix fungicide and bactericide is a protective contact that is recommended for the prevention and treatment of all kinds of diseases of seed, stone, semi-tropical, dry, evergreen, small-seeded, vegetable, summer, ornamental and non-fruiting fruit trees.

Berdofix is the best copper fungicide and bactericide with protective effect, with LD50>4000 mg/kg and is one of the healthiest mineral poisons.

Baghban Tak company has managed to receive the approvals of Organic Association, Biosan Guwah and Bio inspecta for Berdofix.

Physical and chemical properties:

After being sprayed on the plant, due to humidity and carbon dioxide, Brodofix gradually turns into complex compounds that regularly release copper ions. Bardofix is without crystal texture and sits completely on the plant as a cohesive and uniform mass, while other copper compounds such as copper oxychloride have separate particles due to their crystalline texture and sit less on the plant.

Saler Company Information

Company : Baghban Tak
More Information : View
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