bardu twin
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bardu twin

History: Long before internal powdery mildew was a threat to farmers in Europe, grape growers in French vineyards used a mixture of calcium hydroxide and sulfate a few weeks before the grapes ripened to prevent the grapes from being eaten by passers-by on the main and secondary roads around the vineyards. They sprinkled copper, which created a bitter and sour taste on the fruit, and passers-by no longer wanted to touch the products.


In 1878, Plasmopara viticola, a fungus that causes internal whiteheads, arrived in Europe from America, and the importance of the disease was revealed in a short period of time.

In favorable conditions, the disease could infect all vineyards in one season. At that time, the only common fungicide was sulfur, which had no effect on the disease.

In 1881, Millardet, a professor of botany at the Faculty of Science in Bordeaux, France, who knew that the vineyards in the region were heavily infected with internal powdery mildew and their leaves had fallen, noticed that some rows on the side of the road were not infected with the disease. The leaves were covered with a blue colored substance, which turned out to be a copper compound that was sprayed to prevent theft.

Two years later, Professor Millardt succeeded in discovering the fungicidal property of copper metal to control internal powdery mildew in vineyards. The fungicidal compound that Professor Millardt discovered was copper sulfate and calcium hydroxide, which was called Bardo's compound according to the place of discovery, and it continues to be used today.

Baghban Tak company is proud to present the combination of Bardo with two formulations, Bardo Twin and Bardo Fix, both of which have the ability to control fungal and bacterial diseases. Mineral poisons are preferable to synthetic poisons, and considering the environmental problems caused by the use of synthetic poisons, Bordo compound is one of the few mineral poisons that are recommended in organic agriculture.

The license for the formulation of Berdo (Berdo twin) has been approved by the Poisons Supervision Board on 4/21/76 under number 9524-730-92.

Physical and chemical properties:

Bardo compound, which is obtained by mixing copper sulfate solution and calcium hydroxide slurry, is a blue, non-crystallized, gelatinous substance with very fine granularity and very high adhesion, which after being sprayed on the plant due to humidity and carbon dioxide, gradually It turns into complex compounds that regularly release copper ions.

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bardu twin

History: Long before internal powdery mildew was a threat to farmers in Europe, grape growers in French vineyards used a mixture of calcium hydroxide and sulfate a few weeks before the grapes ripened to prevent the grapes from being eaten by passers-by on the main and secondary roads around the vineyards. They sprinkled copper, which created a bitter and sour taste on the fruit, and passers-by no longer wanted to touch the products.


In 1878, Plasmopara viticola, a fungus that causes internal whiteheads, arrived in Europe from America, and the importance of the disease was revealed in a short period of time.

In favorable conditions, the disease could infect all vineyards in one season. At that time, the only common fungicide was sulfur, which had no effect on the disease.

In 1881, Millardet, a professor of botany at the Faculty of Science in Bordeaux, France, who knew that the vineyards in the region were heavily infected with internal powdery mildew and their leaves had fallen, noticed that some rows on the side of the road were not infected with the disease. The leaves were covered with a blue colored substance, which turned out to be a copper compound that was sprayed to prevent theft.

Two years later, Professor Millardt succeeded in discovering the fungicidal property of copper metal to control internal powdery mildew in vineyards. The fungicidal compound that Professor Millardt discovered was copper sulfate and calcium hydroxide, which was called Bardo's compound according to the place of discovery, and it continues to be used today.

Baghban Tak company is proud to present the combination of Bardo with two formulations, Bardo Twin and Bardo Fix, both of which have the ability to control fungal and bacterial diseases. Mineral poisons are preferable to synthetic poisons, and considering the environmental problems caused by the use of synthetic poisons, Bordo compound is one of the few mineral poisons that are recommended in organic agriculture.

The license for the formulation of Berdo (Berdo twin) has been approved by the Poisons Supervision Board on 4/21/76 under number 9524-730-92.

Physical and chemical properties:

Bardo compound, which is obtained by mixing copper sulfate solution and calcium hydroxide slurry, is a blue, non-crystallized, gelatinous substance with very fine granularity and very high adhesion, which after being sprayed on the plant due to humidity and carbon dioxide, gradually It turns into complex compounds that regularly release copper ions.

Saler Company Information

Company : Baghban Tak
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