Indian almonds
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Indian almonds

The main source of almond tree is Indian, South America and Brazil, which was brought to the rest of the world after the discovery of America by the Portuguese. Currently, Vietnam, India, Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire and Indonesia are the five main countries producing Indian almonds, respectively. Southwest of India are the main centers for cultivating this product.
Indian almonds are one of the most popular nuts in the world due to its unique flavor. Indian almonds, in addition to its flavor, have a very high nutritional value. One of the richest sources of copper, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and vitamins A and E, as well as the rich source of vitamin K, is considered.
Since unsaturated fatty acids in Indian almonds are quickly oxidized to the air, the type of packaging is very effective in keeping this brain intact. Therefore, the company offers the most popular Indian almond variety in uncontaminated packaging of oxygen

Saler Company Information

Company : AmirKabir Borna
Phone : 00982122290528
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Indian almonds

The main source of almond tree is Indian, South America and Brazil, which was brought to the rest of the world after the discovery of America by the Portuguese. Currently, Vietnam, India, Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire and Indonesia are the five main countries producing Indian almonds, respectively. Southwest of India are the main centers for cultivating this product.
Indian almonds are one of the most popular nuts in the world due to its unique flavor. Indian almonds, in addition to its flavor, have a very high nutritional value. One of the richest sources of copper, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and vitamins A and E, as well as the rich source of vitamin K, is considered.
Since unsaturated fatty acids in Indian almonds are quickly oxidized to the air, the type of packaging is very effective in keeping this brain intact. Therefore, the company offers the most popular Indian almond variety in uncontaminated packaging of oxygen

Saler Company Information

Company : AmirKabir Borna
Phone : 00982122290528
More Information : View
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