Motor Cleaner
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Motor Cleaner

Oxyure oil flashes, while maintaining high health and efficacy, easily removes the remaining oil from the engine, caused by heat and depletion of the additive. Modern vehicle engines have low volatility and high sensitivity to pollution and psychological work; hence the accumulation of mass and contamination from burned oil or misuse of non-quality oils has negative and irreparable effects on The function of the motor vehicle, which can be pointed out: motor depreciation, lack of mechanical functioning due to the accumulation of sediment in different parts and eventually reduced engine power.
An oksiur engine wash solution, the engine oil flash, quickly and easily eliminates contamination and sediment without affecting the engine oil's engine compartment

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Company : Aria kavosh system
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Motor Cleaner

Oxyure oil flashes, while maintaining high health and efficacy, easily removes the remaining oil from the engine, caused by heat and depletion of the additive. Modern vehicle engines have low volatility and high sensitivity to pollution and psychological work; hence the accumulation of mass and contamination from burned oil or misuse of non-quality oils has negative and irreparable effects on The function of the motor vehicle, which can be pointed out: motor depreciation, lack of mechanical functioning due to the accumulation of sediment in different parts and eventually reduced engine power.
An oksiur engine wash solution, the engine oil flash, quickly and easily eliminates contamination and sediment without affecting the engine oil's engine compartment

Saler Company Information

Company : Aria kavosh system
More Information : View
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