Large Prism for Periscope
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Large Prism for Periscope

A periscope is an optical instrument that uses a system of prisms, lenses or mirrors to reflect images through a tube. Light from a distant object strikes the top mirror and is then reflected at an angle of 90 degrees down the periscope tube. At the bottom of the periscope, the light strikes another mirror and is then reflected into the viewer's eye. This simple periscope uses only flat mirrors as compared to the periscopes used on submarines, which are usually a complex optical system using both lenses and mirrors.

Material: BK7, sapphire glass, quartz glass, etc.
Dimension: 10-200mm
Surface Accuracy: 60-40 or better
Size Tolerance: +/-0.1mm or better
Angle Tolerance: +/-3’or 30”
Coating: Optional

Saler Company Information

Company : VY Optoelectronics Co., Ltd
Mobile : 008613654401897
Phone : 008643184631230
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Large Prism for Periscope

A periscope is an optical instrument that uses a system of prisms, lenses or mirrors to reflect images through a tube. Light from a distant object strikes the top mirror and is then reflected at an angle of 90 degrees down the periscope tube. At the bottom of the periscope, the light strikes another mirror and is then reflected into the viewer's eye. This simple periscope uses only flat mirrors as compared to the periscopes used on submarines, which are usually a complex optical system using both lenses and mirrors.

Material: BK7, sapphire glass, quartz glass, etc.
Dimension: 10-200mm
Surface Accuracy: 60-40 or better
Size Tolerance: +/-0.1mm or better
Angle Tolerance: +/-3’or 30”
Coating: Optional

Saler Company Information

Company : VY Optoelectronics Co., Ltd
Mobile : 008613654401897
Phone : 008643184631230
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