N-BK7 Wedge Prisms
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N-BK7 Wedge Prisms

The wedge prism is a prism with a shallow angle between its input and output surfaces. This angle is usually 3 degrees or less. Refraction at the surfaces causes the prism to deflect light by a fixed angle. When viewing a scene through such a prism, objects will appear to be offset by an amount that varies with their distance from the prism.

Material: N-BK7, sapphire glass, quartz glass, etc.
Dimension: 10-200mm
Surface Accuracy: 60-40 or better
Size Tolerance: +/-0.1mm or better
Angle Tolerance: +/-3’or 30”
Coating: Optional

Saler Company Information

Company : VY Optoelectronics Co., Ltd
Mobile : 008613654401897
Phone : 008643184631230
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N-BK7 Wedge Prisms

The wedge prism is a prism with a shallow angle between its input and output surfaces. This angle is usually 3 degrees or less. Refraction at the surfaces causes the prism to deflect light by a fixed angle. When viewing a scene through such a prism, objects will appear to be offset by an amount that varies with their distance from the prism.

Material: N-BK7, sapphire glass, quartz glass, etc.
Dimension: 10-200mm
Surface Accuracy: 60-40 or better
Size Tolerance: +/-0.1mm or better
Angle Tolerance: +/-3’or 30”
Coating: Optional

Saler Company Information

Company : VY Optoelectronics Co., Ltd
Mobile : 008613654401897
Phone : 008643184631230
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