Bowling field
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Bowling field

Ten-pin bowling is performed on a flat, narrow surface, which is called a path. The length of this narrow corridor is 18.29 meters from the error line to the number one pin. There are guide arrows about 4.57 meters before the error line. The corridor is about 1.05 meters wide and includes about 40 wooden boards or made of artificial materials

Pin bowling

The rules specify that a pin should be 38 cm high and about 12 cm wide at its widest point when contacting the ball. On the pins, the manufacturer's name and mark must be marked. The front pin or pin number on the board is numbered 20.

A bowling ball is designed to be rotated vertically, with its center pointing toward one side, so that if the thumbs and fingers are placed in the right places, it will naturally rotate. This rotation is caused by turning the hand in an anti-clockwise direction, until the hand is placed on the ball and the two fingers are placed at an angle of 12 o'clock and sixty at an angle of 6 o'clock. At this time, fingers and sixty will be removed from the ball in a moment. The forearm is used to create a spin on the ball and push the ball on the line.

The ball's dimensions are 21.59 centimeters and the ball should not exceed 0.69 meters and the ball should not weigh more than 7.26 kilograms. The lightest weight allowed for a ball is 2.72kg. The surface on the ball should be flat, except for the holes and teeth used to catch the ball.

In total, a score is given for each pin that falls. If a player puts more than three pins with the first shot, then the sixth pins hit the second, the player takes a total of 9 points for that frame. If the player throws the 9 pins first, but loses the second, he gets 9 points. If after throwing both throws it can not make all 10 pins it is known as an open frame. When all 10 pins are fired by a player in a frame, he will be rewarded.

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Company : Elin Parseh
Mobile : 00989121000929
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Bowling field

Ten-pin bowling is performed on a flat, narrow surface, which is called a path. The length of this narrow corridor is 18.29 meters from the error line to the number one pin. There are guide arrows about 4.57 meters before the error line. The corridor is about 1.05 meters wide and includes about 40 wooden boards or made of artificial materials

Pin bowling

The rules specify that a pin should be 38 cm high and about 12 cm wide at its widest point when contacting the ball. On the pins, the manufacturer's name and mark must be marked. The front pin or pin number on the board is numbered 20.

A bowling ball is designed to be rotated vertically, with its center pointing toward one side, so that if the thumbs and fingers are placed in the right places, it will naturally rotate. This rotation is caused by turning the hand in an anti-clockwise direction, until the hand is placed on the ball and the two fingers are placed at an angle of 12 o'clock and sixty at an angle of 6 o'clock. At this time, fingers and sixty will be removed from the ball in a moment. The forearm is used to create a spin on the ball and push the ball on the line.

The ball's dimensions are 21.59 centimeters and the ball should not exceed 0.69 meters and the ball should not weigh more than 7.26 kilograms. The lightest weight allowed for a ball is 2.72kg. The surface on the ball should be flat, except for the holes and teeth used to catch the ball.

In total, a score is given for each pin that falls. If a player puts more than three pins with the first shot, then the sixth pins hit the second, the player takes a total of 9 points for that frame. If the player throws the 9 pins first, but loses the second, he gets 9 points. If after throwing both throws it can not make all 10 pins it is known as an open frame. When all 10 pins are fired by a player in a frame, he will be rewarded.

Saler Company Information

Company : Elin Parseh
Mobile : 00989121000929
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