Power Electronics Equipments
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Power Electronics Equipments

After several years of successful electronic power projects and proficiency in this field, Rizapardazan has been working closely with the professors and graduate students and power dissertation students in the top universities of the country and understanding their problems and needs. To design and develop a valuable collection of power-based power module modules to create the accuracy and ease of carrying out research projects. Due to the independent operation of the modules from each other, it is possible to connect them in any way, so it is possible to implement a variety of orbital arrangements. Also, after completing each project, the modules can be easily separated and, by changing the wiring, they are used in a new project. By using this equipment, in addition to speeding up and precision in conducting the tests, as well as obtaining accurate and high quality results, a major saving in the cost of electronic labs is provided. Because it is no longer necessary for each student to pay a separate time and money to build their own project. Designed precisely, non-shadowing, protection of all types, and the use of high quality and high quality components, will ensure durability and durability of these equipment in electronic labs.

Saler Company Information

Company : RMS Electronics
Phone : 00982177035010
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Power Electronics Equipments

After several years of successful electronic power projects and proficiency in this field, Rizapardazan has been working closely with the professors and graduate students and power dissertation students in the top universities of the country and understanding their problems and needs. To design and develop a valuable collection of power-based power module modules to create the accuracy and ease of carrying out research projects. Due to the independent operation of the modules from each other, it is possible to connect them in any way, so it is possible to implement a variety of orbital arrangements. Also, after completing each project, the modules can be easily separated and, by changing the wiring, they are used in a new project. By using this equipment, in addition to speeding up and precision in conducting the tests, as well as obtaining accurate and high quality results, a major saving in the cost of electronic labs is provided. Because it is no longer necessary for each student to pay a separate time and money to build their own project. Designed precisely, non-shadowing, protection of all types, and the use of high quality and high quality components, will ensure durability and durability of these equipment in electronic labs.

Saler Company Information

Company : RMS Electronics
Phone : 00982177035010
More Information : View
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