Hydraulic Vertical Freight Lift
Hydraulic Vertical Freight Lift
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Hydraulic Vertical Freight Lift

Freight lifts are also called Cargo lift or Goods lift. Hydraulic vertical freight lifts are cargo lifts driven by a hydraulic system; they are used for the straight-line transportation of goods between two or more points on the floor. The function is roughly equivalent to the lift, and different from the passenger lift, the hydraulic lift is only used for cargo transportation. Notices should be posted inside the freight lift, and passengers are prohibited from riding. Freight lifts are designed to move goods and materials throughout building. Compared with passenger elevators, trucks travel at a slower speed, can carry heavier loads, and can withstand harsher working conditions. Freight lift is a kind of vertical cargo transportation equpment that is widely used. It drives the pump station through a motor, and relies on the oil cylinder to drive the chain to drive the hydraulic lift to move horizontally. It is characterized by large carrying capacity and stable lifting. Freight lifts can be classified into commercial freight lifts and industrial freight lifts according to the place of use, and can be divided into scissor-type freight lifts and rail-type freight lifts from the appearance.


Saler Company Information

Company : Jinan Tuhe Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd
Mobile : 008617753131021
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Hydraulic Vertical Freight Lift

Freight lifts are also called Cargo lift or Goods lift. Hydraulic vertical freight lifts are cargo lifts driven by a hydraulic system; they are used for the straight-line transportation of goods between two or more points on the floor. The function is roughly equivalent to the lift, and different from the passenger lift, the hydraulic lift is only used for cargo transportation. Notices should be posted inside the freight lift, and passengers are prohibited from riding. Freight lifts are designed to move goods and materials throughout building. Compared with passenger elevators, trucks travel at a slower speed, can carry heavier loads, and can withstand harsher working conditions. Freight lift is a kind of vertical cargo transportation equpment that is widely used. It drives the pump station through a motor, and relies on the oil cylinder to drive the chain to drive the hydraulic lift to move horizontally. It is characterized by large carrying capacity and stable lifting. Freight lifts can be classified into commercial freight lifts and industrial freight lifts according to the place of use, and can be divided into scissor-type freight lifts and rail-type freight lifts from the appearance.


Saler Company Information

Company : Jinan Tuhe Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd
Mobile : 008617753131021
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