Water purifier for the PRO model
Water purifier for the PRO model
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Water purifier for the PRO model

The PRO Water Purifier uses six filtration steps to process water. The high quality filters used in this device eliminate all contaminants such as dust, suspended particles, soluble gases, heavy metals, bacteria, nitrates and mono-water ions and water-soluble multi-capacity, and in the final stages, by adding minerals and increasing The pH of the water is water-proof and free of any contamination that contains the body's essential properties and has an alkaline property. The steps of water purification in the six-stage PRO-home water purifier include:

PP Seal Filter Filter

This filter separates the suspended particles in water such as glulaya to 1 microns of water and is made of polymeric polypropylene fibers.
Granular Active Carbon Filter (GAC)

The active carbon filter (UDF) is responsible for the removal of heavy metals and soluble gases such as chlorine, and is made from coconut shell charcoal.
Carbon block filter (CTO)

The third filter of the domestic water purifier, PRO, is the complement of the second phase filter, which eliminates the color, odor and unpleasant taste of the water. This filter is also made from coconut shell charcoal.
Reverse osmosis membrane filter (RO)

Reverse Osmosis Membrane Filter (RO) The domestic PRO water purifier removes particles of at least 0.0001 microns from the water and is therefore able to remove a variety of multi-capacity and single-capacity ions, such as salts, as well as nitrates and nitrites from the water. Bacterial contaminants are also removed from the water by this filter.
Carbon post filter (T33)

This filter is the ultimate purifier of the water with higher precision to eliminate possible contamination of the residual organic matter, as well as correcting the probable change of water tasting if stored long-term in the storage tank and made from coconut shell.
Alkaline Filter (ORP)

The alkaline filter of a six-stage bee-purifying water purifier adds the human body's essential salts to suitable water and increases the amount of oxygen dissolved in it, which results in an increase in the alkalinity of the water and the water output of the device is similar to the mineral water of the springs Normalizes

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Company : Bahan Tadbir Avin
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Water purifier for the PRO model

The PRO Water Purifier uses six filtration steps to process water. The high quality filters used in this device eliminate all contaminants such as dust, suspended particles, soluble gases, heavy metals, bacteria, nitrates and mono-water ions and water-soluble multi-capacity, and in the final stages, by adding minerals and increasing The pH of the water is water-proof and free of any contamination that contains the body's essential properties and has an alkaline property. The steps of water purification in the six-stage PRO-home water purifier include:

PP Seal Filter Filter

This filter separates the suspended particles in water such as glulaya to 1 microns of water and is made of polymeric polypropylene fibers.
Granular Active Carbon Filter (GAC)

The active carbon filter (UDF) is responsible for the removal of heavy metals and soluble gases such as chlorine, and is made from coconut shell charcoal.
Carbon block filter (CTO)

The third filter of the domestic water purifier, PRO, is the complement of the second phase filter, which eliminates the color, odor and unpleasant taste of the water. This filter is also made from coconut shell charcoal.
Reverse osmosis membrane filter (RO)

Reverse Osmosis Membrane Filter (RO) The domestic PRO water purifier removes particles of at least 0.0001 microns from the water and is therefore able to remove a variety of multi-capacity and single-capacity ions, such as salts, as well as nitrates and nitrites from the water. Bacterial contaminants are also removed from the water by this filter.
Carbon post filter (T33)

This filter is the ultimate purifier of the water with higher precision to eliminate possible contamination of the residual organic matter, as well as correcting the probable change of water tasting if stored long-term in the storage tank and made from coconut shell.
Alkaline Filter (ORP)

The alkaline filter of a six-stage bee-purifying water purifier adds the human body's essential salts to suitable water and increases the amount of oxygen dissolved in it, which results in an increase in the alkalinity of the water and the water output of the device is similar to the mineral water of the springs Normalizes

Saler Company Information

Company : Bahan Tadbir Avin
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