HTY-CT1000M type total organic carbon analyzer
HTY-CT1000M type total organic carbon analyzer
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HTY-CT1000M type total organic carbon analyzer

The catalytic combustion oxidation method was used at 680 C. The sample was introduced into the high temperature combustion tube and the low temperature reaction tube with the purified gas (Gao Chunyang). The samples of the high temperature combustion tube were oxidized by high temperature. The organic carbon and the inorganic carbon were converted into carbon dioxide. The inorganic carbon content of the sample was acidified after the low temperature reaction tube was acidified. The carbon dioxide produced in the two reaction tubes was transported into the non dispersive infrared gas detector NDIR in turn, and CO2 was detected. The total carbon (TC) and inorganic carbon (IC) in the water were measured respectively. The difference between total carbon and inorganic carbon is total organic carbon (TOC). That is: TOC=TC-IC

Performance characteristics
High temperature catalytic oxidation at 1.680 C can also efficiently oxidize the refractory organic carbon, making it easy for the product to analyze high concentration TOC samples.
2. fast analysis (1~4min);
3. higher safety, combustion furnace heating using multiple protection, independent of the temperature control system overheating protection circuit, overheating can automatically cut off heating, to ensure the safety of the product;
4. real time traffic monitoring to maintain stable flow path and ensure data reliability;
5. the instrument automatically discharges waste, automatically draining acid and entering acid, and the quantity of acid is controlled steadily.
6. less samples and reagents are consumed, each measurement needs to consume 0.5 L of high pure water, acid reagent 2ml (IC test), high purity oxygen about 2000ml (standard condition, velocity 100ml/min, ventilation time 20min.);
The CO2 detection of 7. NDIR detector has good linearity and high accuracy. The CO2 signal is transformed into a peak curve, and then the TOC value (TC and IC difference) is calculated by the built-in data processor.
8. catalytic combustion oxidation method has strong oxidation capacity, almost oxidizes all organic matter and has stable performance. The 680 - C combustion method is almost below the melting point of all the salts, which can prolong the life of the catalyst and the combustion tube, which is especially important in the determination of the water samples containing salt.
9. the instrument uses a high resolution 7 Inch Touch screen, using intelligent system and full Chinese interface, making the interface friendly and easy to operate.
10. electronic double refrigeration module and membrane dehydration technology ensure the dehydration efficiency of the whole system to protect detectors.
11. the product is equipped with needle printers, which can print and print according to the requirements, and the printing results can be kept for a long time.

Saler Company Information

Company : Zhejiang Scientific Instruments & Materials Import & Export Co., Ltd
Phone : 008657186473569
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HTY-CT1000M type total organic carbon analyzer

The catalytic combustion oxidation method was used at 680 C. The sample was introduced into the high temperature combustion tube and the low temperature reaction tube with the purified gas (Gao Chunyang). The samples of the high temperature combustion tube were oxidized by high temperature. The organic carbon and the inorganic carbon were converted into carbon dioxide. The inorganic carbon content of the sample was acidified after the low temperature reaction tube was acidified. The carbon dioxide produced in the two reaction tubes was transported into the non dispersive infrared gas detector NDIR in turn, and CO2 was detected. The total carbon (TC) and inorganic carbon (IC) in the water were measured respectively. The difference between total carbon and inorganic carbon is total organic carbon (TOC). That is: TOC=TC-IC

Performance characteristics
High temperature catalytic oxidation at 1.680 C can also efficiently oxidize the refractory organic carbon, making it easy for the product to analyze high concentration TOC samples.
2. fast analysis (1~4min);
3. higher safety, combustion furnace heating using multiple protection, independent of the temperature control system overheating protection circuit, overheating can automatically cut off heating, to ensure the safety of the product;
4. real time traffic monitoring to maintain stable flow path and ensure data reliability;
5. the instrument automatically discharges waste, automatically draining acid and entering acid, and the quantity of acid is controlled steadily.
6. less samples and reagents are consumed, each measurement needs to consume 0.5 L of high pure water, acid reagent 2ml (IC test), high purity oxygen about 2000ml (standard condition, velocity 100ml/min, ventilation time 20min.);
The CO2 detection of 7. NDIR detector has good linearity and high accuracy. The CO2 signal is transformed into a peak curve, and then the TOC value (TC and IC difference) is calculated by the built-in data processor.
8. catalytic combustion oxidation method has strong oxidation capacity, almost oxidizes all organic matter and has stable performance. The 680 - C combustion method is almost below the melting point of all the salts, which can prolong the life of the catalyst and the combustion tube, which is especially important in the determination of the water samples containing salt.
9. the instrument uses a high resolution 7 Inch Touch screen, using intelligent system and full Chinese interface, making the interface friendly and easy to operate.
10. electronic double refrigeration module and membrane dehydration technology ensure the dehydration efficiency of the whole system to protect detectors.
11. the product is equipped with needle printers, which can print and print according to the requirements, and the printing results can be kept for a long time.

Saler Company Information

Company : Zhejiang Scientific Instruments & Materials Import & Export Co., Ltd
Phone : 008657186473569
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