GMP Pharmaceutical Bottle Vial Washing Machine
GMP Pharmaceutical Bottle Vial Washing Machine
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GMP Pharmaceutical Bottle Vial Washing Machine

product structure:
1. This machine is made of 304-2B S2mm stainless steel sheet and has a material warranty book.
2. The structure of the machine is divided into two parts, namely the water injection part and the ultrasonic cleaning part.
3. The water injection part of the machine is equipped with a stainless steel water pump to ensure no pollution during the cleaning process.
4. The ultrasonic cleaning part of the machine is equipped with a microwave generator and a steam coil (stainless steel tube) at the bottom.
Before the machine is running, the water temperature is increased to about 60 °C to ensure that the ampoule can effectively achieve the cleaning effect when passing.
5. The transmission part of the machine adopts double-rail frequency conversion speed regulation, so that the user can adjust according to different specifications and different cleanliness to achieve the purpose of complete cleaning.
6. The welding of the box body is argon arc welding, and the welding surface is smooth and smooth

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Mobile : 008613286802125
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GMP Pharmaceutical Bottle Vial Washing Machine

product structure:
1. This machine is made of 304-2B S2mm stainless steel sheet and has a material warranty book.
2. The structure of the machine is divided into two parts, namely the water injection part and the ultrasonic cleaning part.
3. The water injection part of the machine is equipped with a stainless steel water pump to ensure no pollution during the cleaning process.
4. The ultrasonic cleaning part of the machine is equipped with a microwave generator and a steam coil (stainless steel tube) at the bottom.
Before the machine is running, the water temperature is increased to about 60 °C to ensure that the ampoule can effectively achieve the cleaning effect when passing.
5. The transmission part of the machine adopts double-rail frequency conversion speed regulation, so that the user can adjust according to different specifications and different cleanliness to achieve the purpose of complete cleaning.
6. The welding of the box body is argon arc welding, and the welding surface is smooth and smooth

Saler Company Information

Mobile : 008613286802125
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