Bridge Guardrail
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Bridge Guardrail
Bridge Guardrail Railings, Fences, Beams Bridge guardrails are a type of barrier used to separate lanes of vehicular traffic on bridges. They are designed to absorb impact and reduce the likelihood of serious injury or death if a collision were to occur. The main differences between bridge guardrails and other guardrails are that bridge guardrails are taller and wider than standard Type A guardrails, as they must protect against higher-velocity impacts due to their location on bridges. Regarding production and sale, bridge guardrails should comply with applicable local regulations and standards. Furthermore, they must be tested to confirm compliance before being put into production and sale. The bridge railing guardrail is used along the bridges, viaducts and roads, finished with powder coating and zinc gavanizing. Bridge guard railings are made of carbon steel, stainless steel or other base materials, supplied in various designs to meet specific grades and requirements. There are 9 common bridge guardrail types: 1. W-Beam Guardrail – a standard highway guardrail with a w-shaped profile; 2. Cable Barrier – a flexible system of cables suspended between posts; 3. Beam Barrier – a pre-fabricated beam that can be installed quickly; 4. Thrie Beam Guardrail – three corrugations in a w-beam pattern for extra strength; 5. Post & Block System – posts and blocks used to mount guardrails; 6. Steel Railing – steel railing designed to deter vehicles from running off the road; 7. Crash Cushion – a flexible system designed to absorb impact; 8. Impact Attenuator – an impact absorbing device which reduces the forces transmitted after a vehicle collision; 9 Folding Guardrail – a collapsible guardrail designed to open up when hit, then reset itself.

Saler Company Information

Company : Huaway Guardrail Engineering Co.
Phone : 86-534-896358
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Bridge Guardrail
Bridge Guardrail Railings, Fences, Beams Bridge guardrails are a type of barrier used to separate lanes of vehicular traffic on bridges. They are designed to absorb impact and reduce the likelihood of serious injury or death if a collision were to occur. The main differences between bridge guardrails and other guardrails are that bridge guardrails are taller and wider than standard Type A guardrails, as they must protect against higher-velocity impacts due to their location on bridges. Regarding production and sale, bridge guardrails should comply with applicable local regulations and standards. Furthermore, they must be tested to confirm compliance before being put into production and sale. The bridge railing guardrail is used along the bridges, viaducts and roads, finished with powder coating and zinc gavanizing. Bridge guard railings are made of carbon steel, stainless steel or other base materials, supplied in various designs to meet specific grades and requirements. There are 9 common bridge guardrail types: 1. W-Beam Guardrail – a standard highway guardrail with a w-shaped profile; 2. Cable Barrier – a flexible system of cables suspended between posts; 3. Beam Barrier – a pre-fabricated beam that can be installed quickly; 4. Thrie Beam Guardrail – three corrugations in a w-beam pattern for extra strength; 5. Post & Block System – posts and blocks used to mount guardrails; 6. Steel Railing – steel railing designed to deter vehicles from running off the road; 7. Crash Cushion – a flexible system designed to absorb impact; 8. Impact Attenuator – an impact absorbing device which reduces the forces transmitted after a vehicle collision; 9 Folding Guardrail – a collapsible guardrail designed to open up when hit, then reset itself.

Saler Company Information

Company : Huaway Guardrail Engineering Co.
Phone : 86-534-896358
More Information : View
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