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The panel is a great guide to guide the outdoor pathway or in the building lobby and floors, as well as to introduce or brand.
In dimensions up to 3 meters high and one meter wide or one piece on the floor - with displacement places of titles in the flat model - with the possibility of printing a piece in the convex model - with aluminum frame analyzed - AL plaque and PC and composite - Printed or Tagged.
In the field of track guidance, it is usually used for cases that are not in front of the entrance of the floors (from the elevator to the stairs) or opposite the entrance to the wall building or the empty space to install the guide lines. Also, in advertising cases, they print the image of a product (Like cars) and adding text and their specifications to stand next to the product.

Saler Company Information

Company : Parto Avaran Sama
Mobile : 00989359815629
Phone : 00982177612969
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The panel is a great guide to guide the outdoor pathway or in the building lobby and floors, as well as to introduce or brand.
In dimensions up to 3 meters high and one meter wide or one piece on the floor - with displacement places of titles in the flat model - with the possibility of printing a piece in the convex model - with aluminum frame analyzed - AL plaque and PC and composite - Printed or Tagged.
In the field of track guidance, it is usually used for cases that are not in front of the entrance of the floors (from the elevator to the stairs) or opposite the entrance to the wall building or the empty space to install the guide lines. Also, in advertising cases, they print the image of a product (Like cars) and adding text and their specifications to stand next to the product.

Saler Company Information

Company : Parto Avaran Sama
Mobile : 00989359815629
Phone : 00982177612969
More Information : View
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