bullet proof glass
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bullet proof glass

These types of glass are the same laminated glass that are designed and manufactured in accordance with specific requirements and based on engineering calculations.

Depending on the need, these types of glass can be made in different sizes, colors and shapes (bend, flat, etc.).

Their use in commercial buildings, offices, banks, residential buildings, airports, goldsmith shops, large stores and, in general, places requiring security and protection against armed robbery, turbulence, explosion, earthquakes. . . is.

These glasses are made using a method called lamination or English lamination.

In that way, they use a hard type of plastic called polycarbonate in the action of laminating and between glass layers. For this reason, bullet-proof glass is usually thicker than ordinary glass.

The resistance of this glass to the bullet is directly related to the thickness of the glass and the number of its layers.

Of course, a cartridge that comes out of a Kalashnikov oil has the power and speed of a cartridge cartridge, so you need thicker glass or more layers to protect against the Kalashnikovs cartridge. However, any bulletproof glass has a friction capability or threshold.

Saler Company Information

Company : Farniv Machine Manufacturing
Mobile : 00989111779312
Phone : 00981734534061
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bullet proof glass

These types of glass are the same laminated glass that are designed and manufactured in accordance with specific requirements and based on engineering calculations.

Depending on the need, these types of glass can be made in different sizes, colors and shapes (bend, flat, etc.).

Their use in commercial buildings, offices, banks, residential buildings, airports, goldsmith shops, large stores and, in general, places requiring security and protection against armed robbery, turbulence, explosion, earthquakes. . . is.

These glasses are made using a method called lamination or English lamination.

In that way, they use a hard type of plastic called polycarbonate in the action of laminating and between glass layers. For this reason, bullet-proof glass is usually thicker than ordinary glass.

The resistance of this glass to the bullet is directly related to the thickness of the glass and the number of its layers.

Of course, a cartridge that comes out of a Kalashnikov oil has the power and speed of a cartridge cartridge, so you need thicker glass or more layers to protect against the Kalashnikovs cartridge. However, any bulletproof glass has a friction capability or threshold.

Saler Company Information

Company : Farniv Machine Manufacturing
Mobile : 00989111779312
Phone : 00981734534061
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