The Adventures of Peterpan
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The Adventures of Peterpan

Synopsis :

Jaime (Rice Efans) picked up some kids from the streets of London and trained them to steal. Fallad (Charles Dance) wants Jaime to take a antique robbery and steal a certain number, but since he is in high risk, he does not want to use the kids, ignoring the fact that one of the guys named Peter (Charlie Ro) is ahead of him and because Proving herself to Jimie will arrive sooner than she with children. Jamie finds an orb, but he is horrified by seeing what he is in, and is thrown around with an orb, and so they all enter a world called Neverland, a world where the flood has been considered for the greats because there is no one to get drunk. They are in Northland, Sea and Indians, and they have to make a lot of effort to return.

Saler Company Information

Company : Century 21
Phone : 00982188324720
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The Adventures of Peterpan

Synopsis :

Jaime (Rice Efans) picked up some kids from the streets of London and trained them to steal. Fallad (Charles Dance) wants Jaime to take a antique robbery and steal a certain number, but since he is in high risk, he does not want to use the kids, ignoring the fact that one of the guys named Peter (Charlie Ro) is ahead of him and because Proving herself to Jimie will arrive sooner than she with children. Jamie finds an orb, but he is horrified by seeing what he is in, and is thrown around with an orb, and so they all enter a world called Neverland, a world where the flood has been considered for the greats because there is no one to get drunk. They are in Northland, Sea and Indians, and they have to make a lot of effort to return.

Saler Company Information

Company : Century 21
Phone : 00982188324720
More Information : View
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