Hot dip galvanized Grating
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Hot dip galvanized Grating

Before explaining about galvanizing grating, we first briefly introduce the grating. Grating is a set of parts and interfaces that are connected by welding or press to form a seamless product. Metal gratings are divided into two main groups of gritting electroforming and straps in straps.

Engineers and researchers have standardized graticons for a variety of applications in a wide range of loading and have made extensive use of them. Hot galvanizing is used as the longest, safest and most practical cover in many environments and industries. . Below are some more details about galvanizing for your loved ones.
Galvanized Grating Standards:

Hot galvanizing is a commonly used method to resist grating against environmental humidity and corrosion, which is also referred to as galvanizing grating. This action means zinc coating on the primary raw material and immersed in a mixture of molten metals including aluminum, zinc-based nickel. This type of coating is suitable for grating due to its high adhesion and non-fragility due to the use of machines and machines. The average weight for a galvanized coating is approximately 450 g / m2, in other words, the coating thickness is about 80 μm, which varies according to the size of the strap used. (According to the table below.)

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Company : Arak Rail
Phone : 00988634132704
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Hot dip galvanized Grating

Before explaining about galvanizing grating, we first briefly introduce the grating. Grating is a set of parts and interfaces that are connected by welding or press to form a seamless product. Metal gratings are divided into two main groups of gritting electroforming and straps in straps.

Engineers and researchers have standardized graticons for a variety of applications in a wide range of loading and have made extensive use of them. Hot galvanizing is used as the longest, safest and most practical cover in many environments and industries. . Below are some more details about galvanizing for your loved ones.
Galvanized Grating Standards:

Hot galvanizing is a commonly used method to resist grating against environmental humidity and corrosion, which is also referred to as galvanizing grating. This action means zinc coating on the primary raw material and immersed in a mixture of molten metals including aluminum, zinc-based nickel. This type of coating is suitable for grating due to its high adhesion and non-fragility due to the use of machines and machines. The average weight for a galvanized coating is approximately 450 g / m2, in other words, the coating thickness is about 80 μm, which varies according to the size of the strap used. (According to the table below.)

Saler Company Information

Company : Arak Rail
Phone : 00988634132704
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