Protection system around electric fences
Protection system around electric fences
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Protection system around electric fences
In this method, steel wires that are pulled parallel to the shield at intervals of 95 to 250 mm each pass a high voltage electric current that only causes a shock and does not present a life threat. Prevents unauthorized entry, system shutdown, and protection. For high protection and security, system controllers are constantly on guard to monitor and alert any contact, disconnection and short circuit. This alert and sensitivity alert is programmable and capable of transmitting alerts to other systems in accordance with BS 4737. The system functions in such a way that in the event of a collision with the fence, the voltage applied to the conductor prevents the entry into the protected area while causing a shocking shock. It also alerts the system in case of intentional sabotage, such as cutting a fence, short circuit conductors, theft and the like, and by precisely identifying the area on the site map in the central control room, complementary preventive measures such as activating the switching system Sides and captures images from the control and management center of the system. In this way, an impenetrable fence is provided for the protesters.

Saler Company Information

Company : Emen Hesar Pouya
Phone : 00982126760399
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Protection system around electric fences
In this method, steel wires that are pulled parallel to the shield at intervals of 95 to 250 mm each pass a high voltage electric current that only causes a shock and does not present a life threat. Prevents unauthorized entry, system shutdown, and protection. For high protection and security, system controllers are constantly on guard to monitor and alert any contact, disconnection and short circuit. This alert and sensitivity alert is programmable and capable of transmitting alerts to other systems in accordance with BS 4737. The system functions in such a way that in the event of a collision with the fence, the voltage applied to the conductor prevents the entry into the protected area while causing a shocking shock. It also alerts the system in case of intentional sabotage, such as cutting a fence, short circuit conductors, theft and the like, and by precisely identifying the area on the site map in the central control room, complementary preventive measures such as activating the switching system Sides and captures images from the control and management center of the system. In this way, an impenetrable fence is provided for the protesters.

Saler Company Information

Company : Emen Hesar Pouya
Phone : 00982126760399
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