Material transfer system by vacuum
Material transfer system by vacuum
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Material transfer system by vacuum

In this technology, the material is transmitted by suction and vacuum. In fact, air is pumped through the tube and atmospheric pressure moves the material into the suction tube, which is actually the atmospheric pressure that indirectly does this. At that time, the air flow formed by atmospheric pressure is solid He directs into the suction tube.
All material handling systems follow the principles of the common methodology, these materials are transferred from one feeding point through a pipe to a compartment, and in this compartment, air and materials should be separated, in which there are certain filters Air is removed and cleaned before it enters the pump. All of this operation is controlled by a planned control system.

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Company : Khala Afarin Pars
Phone : 00982166901575
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Material transfer system by vacuum

In this technology, the material is transmitted by suction and vacuum. In fact, air is pumped through the tube and atmospheric pressure moves the material into the suction tube, which is actually the atmospheric pressure that indirectly does this. At that time, the air flow formed by atmospheric pressure is solid He directs into the suction tube.
All material handling systems follow the principles of the common methodology, these materials are transferred from one feeding point through a pipe to a compartment, and in this compartment, air and materials should be separated, in which there are certain filters Air is removed and cleaned before it enters the pump. All of this operation is controlled by a planned control system.

Saler Company Information

Company : Khala Afarin Pars
Phone : 00982166901575
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