Nutrition by volumetric method
Nutrition by volumetric method
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Nutrition by volumetric method

In this system, the material is fed without regard to its weight, and only acts on the volume of solids to be delivered in hours or minutes. In this case, based on the initial settings that are made by the operator, the volume of the material is removed based on time, and there is no feedback from the amount of material left out of the system and its users are also very wide. This system operates on the basis of the control of the motor, drive or stepper motor. By changing the output shaft of the motor shaft, it can control the amount of output from the system. In this case, the accuracy of 0.5% / + is the total capacity, and this maximum precision in this mode is.
If this system is used to produce different weights, all materials must be discharged into a happer under weight and toughened, and each material can be fed on a special order and can not be fed to any hopper at any time, and at any time only A material should be fed and increased the time needed to feed the entire material.

Saler Company Information

Company : Khala Afarin Pars
Phone : 00982166901575
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Nutrition by volumetric method

In this system, the material is fed without regard to its weight, and only acts on the volume of solids to be delivered in hours or minutes. In this case, based on the initial settings that are made by the operator, the volume of the material is removed based on time, and there is no feedback from the amount of material left out of the system and its users are also very wide. This system operates on the basis of the control of the motor, drive or stepper motor. By changing the output shaft of the motor shaft, it can control the amount of output from the system. In this case, the accuracy of 0.5% / + is the total capacity, and this maximum precision in this mode is.
If this system is used to produce different weights, all materials must be discharged into a happer under weight and toughened, and each material can be fed on a special order and can not be fed to any hopper at any time, and at any time only A material should be fed and increased the time needed to feed the entire material.

Saler Company Information

Company : Khala Afarin Pars
Phone : 00982166901575
More Information : View
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