Check Valve
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Check Valve

Check valves or one-way valves have the task of passing fluid in only one direction. Posting or returning flow in Czech Volvos is the passage of fluid where the Volvo should not be allowed to pass. This series of checks and balances is based on reverse engineering. However, the company has done some redesigning in some cases, including the liquid fuel valve GEF5 units, and the number of Oeringes used has dropped from three to one. These types of checks and balances are used to control the route such as gas or compressed air.
Raw materials used

Each of the components used in this type of check valve is based on the analysis performed on the original sample by reputable laboratories including the Razi Institute and other institutions.
Functional specifications

Operating temperature: (-30) to (+ 205) ° C
Working pressure
6psi operating pressure
Pressure in the negative direction of 300bar

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Check Valve

Check valves or one-way valves have the task of passing fluid in only one direction. Posting or returning flow in Czech Volvos is the passage of fluid where the Volvo should not be allowed to pass. This series of checks and balances is based on reverse engineering. However, the company has done some redesigning in some cases, including the liquid fuel valve GEF5 units, and the number of Oeringes used has dropped from three to one. These types of checks and balances are used to control the route such as gas or compressed air.
Raw materials used

Each of the components used in this type of check valve is based on the analysis performed on the original sample by reputable laboratories including the Razi Institute and other institutions.
Functional specifications

Operating temperature: (-30) to (+ 205) ° C
Working pressure
6psi operating pressure
Pressure in the negative direction of 300bar

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