Scripts - hand sanitizer with color and essence
Scripts - hand sanitizer with color and essence
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Scripts - hand sanitizer with color and essence

The ready-to-use solution for scraps is an alcoholic-based disinfectant that is widely used as a disinfectant for microorganisms. Scripts have skin-protecting and moisturizing ingredients that, despite their alcohol content, have no dry skin effects. Also, after using this solution, no adhesion effects on the hand remain. The use of a suitable disinfectant base with alcohol has a synergistic effect as well as its shelf life and persistence. This solution is easy to use and evaporates from the skin in a short time

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Company : Pakropart
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Scripts - hand sanitizer with color and essence

The ready-to-use solution for scraps is an alcoholic-based disinfectant that is widely used as a disinfectant for microorganisms. Scripts have skin-protecting and moisturizing ingredients that, despite their alcohol content, have no dry skin effects. Also, after using this solution, no adhesion effects on the hand remain. The use of a suitable disinfectant base with alcohol has a synergistic effect as well as its shelf life and persistence. This solution is easy to use and evaporates from the skin in a short time

Saler Company Information

Company : Pakropart
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