Imperial Beluga
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Imperial Beluga

The elephant is one of the largest fish in the Caspian Sea. Its length reaches 5 years and weighs about one and a half tons. The elephant caviar is known as Beluga, and is the largest sturgeon among its species. It is considered one of the most expensive food in the world and has a large following among caviar lovers, the Imperial Belgian caviar by the name of Royal, and the Three Zero. The size of the caviar is over 5m. The coarse grains are very attractive among different types of caviar and flavor. The extraordinary appearance of the seeds, the unique aroma, the magical taste, the transparency and the splendor of the Beluga caviar seeds are all indications of the difference between this unique food ingredient and its similar varieties.

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Company : Miras Caviar Caspian Iranian
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Imperial Beluga

The elephant is one of the largest fish in the Caspian Sea. Its length reaches 5 years and weighs about one and a half tons. The elephant caviar is known as Beluga, and is the largest sturgeon among its species. It is considered one of the most expensive food in the world and has a large following among caviar lovers, the Imperial Belgian caviar by the name of Royal, and the Three Zero. The size of the caviar is over 5m. The coarse grains are very attractive among different types of caviar and flavor. The extraordinary appearance of the seeds, the unique aroma, the magical taste, the transparency and the splendor of the Beluga caviar seeds are all indications of the difference between this unique food ingredient and its similar varieties.

Saler Company Information

Company : Miras Caviar Caspian Iranian
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