Tandis of sports and club sculpture software
Tandis of sports and club sculpture software
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Tandis of sports and club sculpture software

Tandis Club Automation Software, combining years of experience in the field of specialized software for sports and IT professionals, brings together a complete suite of software and hardware needed to meet all customer needs. Be yourself.

This company has a complete résumé of Iranian Athletes Clubs and Champions in all aspects of the management of sports complexes including: tuition control, meetings, smart dressing management, coaching, accurate reporting of collection performance, and has ideas and solutions. Be it.

The statue club software is applicable to all sports centers from very small clubs to multipurpose complexes, pools and fitness halls.

Easy to use, easy to connect to a variety of traffic control devices (card, fingerprint, face recognition), network-mountable, ability to define a variety of strings, sensors, athlete and sports programs in an unlimited way only part of the capabilities This is software.

Given the wide variety of management styles of sports clubs and multifunctional sports complexes and the many influentials in this area such as public or private club, city and neighborhood, tuition, men's or women's clubs, sports disciplines, Type of club contract with coaches, club hours and classes, tuition fee (cash or installment), traffic model (card, fingerprint or face recognition), Secure Traffic Sculpture Company with a variety of products for different styles Managed by sports complexes.

Saler Company Information

Company : Imen Taradod Tandis
Mobile : 00989912031475
Phone : 00982144003202
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Tandis of sports and club sculpture software

Tandis Club Automation Software, combining years of experience in the field of specialized software for sports and IT professionals, brings together a complete suite of software and hardware needed to meet all customer needs. Be yourself.

This company has a complete résumé of Iranian Athletes Clubs and Champions in all aspects of the management of sports complexes including: tuition control, meetings, smart dressing management, coaching, accurate reporting of collection performance, and has ideas and solutions. Be it.

The statue club software is applicable to all sports centers from very small clubs to multipurpose complexes, pools and fitness halls.

Easy to use, easy to connect to a variety of traffic control devices (card, fingerprint, face recognition), network-mountable, ability to define a variety of strings, sensors, athlete and sports programs in an unlimited way only part of the capabilities This is software.

Given the wide variety of management styles of sports clubs and multifunctional sports complexes and the many influentials in this area such as public or private club, city and neighborhood, tuition, men's or women's clubs, sports disciplines, Type of club contract with coaches, club hours and classes, tuition fee (cash or installment), traffic model (card, fingerprint or face recognition), Secure Traffic Sculpture Company with a variety of products for different styles Managed by sports complexes.

Saler Company Information

Company : Imen Taradod Tandis
Mobile : 00989912031475
Phone : 00982144003202
More Information : View
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