Amino 10000 Nutrend
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Amino 10000 Nutrend

What is amino acid?

The molecules that make up the protein are called amino acids or amino acids. Protein is part of every cell in the human body that is needed to build and repair tissues and to produce vital substances such as antibodies and insulin. 20 types of amino acids are involved in protein formation.

Amino acids are divided into two groups:

1- Essential: They are called amino acids that are not made from amino acids or other substances in the body or are not made sufficiently to meet the body's needs. These amino acids should be supplied daily through the diet, otherwise their deficiency effects appear. Essential amino acids include leucine, isoleucine, valine, phenylalanine, threonine, methionine, tryptophan and lysine.

2. Unnecessary: ​​There are a number of amino acids that are produced by the body and when we need them. It is true that we have enough unnecessary amino acids in the body, but in some situations consuming some of them may be helpful. Non-essential amino acids include alanine, arginine, asparagine, aspartate, cysteine, glutamine, glutamic acid, glycine, ornithine, proline, serine and tyrosine. However, some of them are essential amino acids under certain conditions. And they include arginine, cysteine, glutamine, glycine, proline and tyrosine.

The most important benefits of amino acids include:

Increased fat burning process
Strengthening mental ability
Reduce inflammation
Increase muscle building speed
Increase physical endurance
Support the tissue repair process

What are the nutritional supplements of WHEY AMINO 10000 NUTREND?

It is a pure amino acid supplement that is hydrolyzed from its protein. The 2000 mg tablets and their precise dosage make you take fewer tablets than the weaker amino acids. This product is also rich in BCAA. (Amino acids that are not made in the body and should be provided through diet) BCAAs are high-potency amino acids with high muscle mass and recovery. The WHEY AMINO 10000 supplement also has a very good amino acid balance.

A quality you can trust

With ISO 9001-2009 international certification from BUREAU VERITAS
Holds FSSC 22000 certification from BOHEMIA company
Contains the most modern product line of all types, including: Protein loads and grain loads
Approved by the Olympic Committee of the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Approved by the Czech Republic Anti-Doping Committee

Saler Company Information

Company : Fitness Line
Mobile : 00989128363931
Phone : 00982140229912
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Amino 10000 Nutrend

What is amino acid?

The molecules that make up the protein are called amino acids or amino acids. Protein is part of every cell in the human body that is needed to build and repair tissues and to produce vital substances such as antibodies and insulin. 20 types of amino acids are involved in protein formation.

Amino acids are divided into two groups:

1- Essential: They are called amino acids that are not made from amino acids or other substances in the body or are not made sufficiently to meet the body's needs. These amino acids should be supplied daily through the diet, otherwise their deficiency effects appear. Essential amino acids include leucine, isoleucine, valine, phenylalanine, threonine, methionine, tryptophan and lysine.

2. Unnecessary: ​​There are a number of amino acids that are produced by the body and when we need them. It is true that we have enough unnecessary amino acids in the body, but in some situations consuming some of them may be helpful. Non-essential amino acids include alanine, arginine, asparagine, aspartate, cysteine, glutamine, glutamic acid, glycine, ornithine, proline, serine and tyrosine. However, some of them are essential amino acids under certain conditions. And they include arginine, cysteine, glutamine, glycine, proline and tyrosine.

The most important benefits of amino acids include:

Increased fat burning process
Strengthening mental ability
Reduce inflammation
Increase muscle building speed
Increase physical endurance
Support the tissue repair process

What are the nutritional supplements of WHEY AMINO 10000 NUTREND?

It is a pure amino acid supplement that is hydrolyzed from its protein. The 2000 mg tablets and their precise dosage make you take fewer tablets than the weaker amino acids. This product is also rich in BCAA. (Amino acids that are not made in the body and should be provided through diet) BCAAs are high-potency amino acids with high muscle mass and recovery. The WHEY AMINO 10000 supplement also has a very good amino acid balance.

A quality you can trust

With ISO 9001-2009 international certification from BUREAU VERITAS
Holds FSSC 22000 certification from BOHEMIA company
Contains the most modern product line of all types, including: Protein loads and grain loads
Approved by the Olympic Committee of the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Approved by the Czech Republic Anti-Doping Committee

Saler Company Information

Company : Fitness Line
Mobile : 00989128363931
Phone : 00982140229912
More Information : View
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