Soluptas fertilizer
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Soluptas fertilizer

Soluptas fertilizer contains sulfur and potassium elements in the required amount. Solupotas reduces the pH of the roots in alkaline and saline soils, and as a result, the solubility and absorption of phosphorus, iron and micronutrients by plant roots is facilitated. This product has the lowest salinity coefficient and washing index compared to other potassium fertilizers. In addition, it is the best source of potassium for areas exposed to the risk of salinity, and this leaching fertilizer reduces cations in light soils, which result in less exposure to leaching.

Potassium fertilizer is suitable for reducing nitrates. Due to the fact that excessive nitrate during fruit formation causes a drop in fruit quality. This product adjusts the fertilization programs in order to meet the timely need of the product with low nitrate.

Solupotassium has a positive effect on the production of vitamins, starch and sugars, thus increasing the nutritional value of products.

It contains the important element of sulfur, which is present in the form of sulfate ions in this product, which is easily absorbed by plants and is used to build important compounds such as amino acids and proteins, and is involved in photosynthesis reactions.

Saler Company Information

Company : Central research nanotechnology
Mobile : 00989129269052
Phone : 00988646331892
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Soluptas fertilizer

Soluptas fertilizer contains sulfur and potassium elements in the required amount. Solupotas reduces the pH of the roots in alkaline and saline soils, and as a result, the solubility and absorption of phosphorus, iron and micronutrients by plant roots is facilitated. This product has the lowest salinity coefficient and washing index compared to other potassium fertilizers. In addition, it is the best source of potassium for areas exposed to the risk of salinity, and this leaching fertilizer reduces cations in light soils, which result in less exposure to leaching.

Potassium fertilizer is suitable for reducing nitrates. Due to the fact that excessive nitrate during fruit formation causes a drop in fruit quality. This product adjusts the fertilization programs in order to meet the timely need of the product with low nitrate.

Solupotassium has a positive effect on the production of vitamins, starch and sugars, thus increasing the nutritional value of products.

It contains the important element of sulfur, which is present in the form of sulfate ions in this product, which is easily absorbed by plants and is used to build important compounds such as amino acids and proteins, and is involved in photosynthesis reactions.

Saler Company Information

Company : Central research nanotechnology
Mobile : 00989129269052
Phone : 00988646331892
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