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How the cyclone works: the circular movement of water in this device in a hydrodynamic manner in order to create maximum centrifugal force to separate particles heavier than water when drawing water from agricultural wells and water sources that contain particles larger than 1000 microns or to separate Making two substances with different volumetric mass such as liquid and solid or liquid and gas or even liquid and liquid with different volumetric mass.

Saler Company Information

Company : Dorab Engineering
Mobile : 00989132406581
Phone : 00983432739926
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How the cyclone works: the circular movement of water in this device in a hydrodynamic manner in order to create maximum centrifugal force to separate particles heavier than water when drawing water from agricultural wells and water sources that contain particles larger than 1000 microns or to separate Making two substances with different volumetric mass such as liquid and solid or liquid and gas or even liquid and liquid with different volumetric mass.

Saler Company Information

Company : Dorab Engineering
Mobile : 00989132406581
Phone : 00983432739926
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