tiamulin 45%
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tiamulin 45%


Thiamoline 45% Royan | tiamulin 45%

Each kilogram of thiamolin powder is 45% embryonic Thiamulin 45% contains 450 g of pure thiamolin.
Effect mechanism:

Antibiotics are semi-synthetic and bacteriostatic, which are used to quickly treat myocardial infarction and bacterial infections in the earlobe and earlobes. In addition, thiamine has a strong effect on many gram-positive and negative bacteria. This antibiotic prevents the growth and proliferation of germs by preventing protein synthesis in the microbial body, and ultimately leads to the elimination of pathogens. Be.

Thiamoline 45% Royan | Thiamulin 45% is used to treat infections caused by mycoplasma, respiratory, bacterial and intestinal bacteria, and is effective against the following microorganisms:

Types of mycoplasmas, gram-positive bacteria such as streptococcus, staphylococci, cholesteroids, bacterial germs such as hemophilus, actinobasilus, pastorla, fusobacterium, non-compost, bacteriosis.

Thiamoline 45% Royan | Thiamulin 45% in hens does not reduce egg laying or hatching.
Amount and how to use:

100 grams of thiamolin 45% in 200 liters of drinking water for 3 to 4 days after the onset of symptoms.

The best way to get rid of thiamoline 45% Royan | tiamulin 45% is a few liters of lukewarm water and then added to the main source. The medicine should be prepared fresh every day.

Store in a dry place at a temperature below 25 degrees Celsius and away from direct sunlight.
Time to avoid consumption:

Half an hour to 48 hours. Do not consume the balm for 5 days before slaughter and there is no need to avoid consumption in eggs.
Drug interactions:

Absolutely avoid concomitant use with moninsin, saline minisin, or narcissin, and take at least 7 days between taking these drugs and thiamolin.

keep away from children.

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tiamulin 45%


Thiamoline 45% Royan | tiamulin 45%

Each kilogram of thiamolin powder is 45% embryonic Thiamulin 45% contains 450 g of pure thiamolin.
Effect mechanism:

Antibiotics are semi-synthetic and bacteriostatic, which are used to quickly treat myocardial infarction and bacterial infections in the earlobe and earlobes. In addition, thiamine has a strong effect on many gram-positive and negative bacteria. This antibiotic prevents the growth and proliferation of germs by preventing protein synthesis in the microbial body, and ultimately leads to the elimination of pathogens. Be.

Thiamoline 45% Royan | Thiamulin 45% is used to treat infections caused by mycoplasma, respiratory, bacterial and intestinal bacteria, and is effective against the following microorganisms:

Types of mycoplasmas, gram-positive bacteria such as streptococcus, staphylococci, cholesteroids, bacterial germs such as hemophilus, actinobasilus, pastorla, fusobacterium, non-compost, bacteriosis.

Thiamoline 45% Royan | Thiamulin 45% in hens does not reduce egg laying or hatching.
Amount and how to use:

100 grams of thiamolin 45% in 200 liters of drinking water for 3 to 4 days after the onset of symptoms.

The best way to get rid of thiamoline 45% Royan | tiamulin 45% is a few liters of lukewarm water and then added to the main source. The medicine should be prepared fresh every day.

Store in a dry place at a temperature below 25 degrees Celsius and away from direct sunlight.
Time to avoid consumption:

Half an hour to 48 hours. Do not consume the balm for 5 days before slaughter and there is no need to avoid consumption in eggs.
Drug interactions:

Absolutely avoid concomitant use with moninsin, saline minisin, or narcissin, and take at least 7 days between taking these drugs and thiamolin.

keep away from children.

Saler Company Information

Phone : 00982157803000
More Information : View
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