RVM Fc.Plus Model
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RVM Fc.Plus Model

Number of input ports: 8 Ports

Portable Acceptable Items by Port : Pet- Pet colored - PP - Ps - hdpe - v-idpe - alu / carton-paper book

The process of receiving bottles at each door : horizontal reception of 60 cases per minute

Get other Waste : Equipped with digital memory scalable with smart overload

Output device : Recyclable Ready - to - Recycle Line

Intake capacity of each port : up to 1000 bottles per liter or 2000 bottles per liter

Power source : 4 KW three phase and 8 amp

Power consumption:900 watts in active mode and 60 watts in standby mode

Ambient : Temperature of 5-40 ° C and Relative humidity 90

Screen Alert Messages: Received Number - Active Port - card Recovery Alert - smart spokesperson operator Printer Alert

Screen :Character display with backlight

payment: Ability to desposit money into card recycling card

Printer : Printer graphics for 1700 text,letters and barcods per roll

View and check the progress and capabilities of the device: storage capacity , nymber of bottles- ability to save or pay by card recycling - ability to calculate electricity consumed at any time intelligently - reportable device at any time interval - deposit capability to charity.

Other equipment: Visual audiovisual advertising or cultural broadcasting on a 24 - inch LCD monitor

clipboard: USB

Saler Company Information

Company : Faramarzi International Green Economy
Mobile : 00989156899165
Phone : 00985135420483
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RVM Fc.Plus Model

Number of input ports: 8 Ports

Portable Acceptable Items by Port : Pet- Pet colored - PP - Ps - hdpe - v-idpe - alu / carton-paper book

The process of receiving bottles at each door : horizontal reception of 60 cases per minute

Get other Waste : Equipped with digital memory scalable with smart overload

Output device : Recyclable Ready - to - Recycle Line

Intake capacity of each port : up to 1000 bottles per liter or 2000 bottles per liter

Power source : 4 KW three phase and 8 amp

Power consumption:900 watts in active mode and 60 watts in standby mode

Ambient : Temperature of 5-40 ° C and Relative humidity 90

Screen Alert Messages: Received Number - Active Port - card Recovery Alert - smart spokesperson operator Printer Alert

Screen :Character display with backlight

payment: Ability to desposit money into card recycling card

Printer : Printer graphics for 1700 text,letters and barcods per roll

View and check the progress and capabilities of the device: storage capacity , nymber of bottles- ability to save or pay by card recycling - ability to calculate electricity consumed at any time intelligently - reportable device at any time interval - deposit capability to charity.

Other equipment: Visual audiovisual advertising or cultural broadcasting on a 24 - inch LCD monitor

clipboard: USB

Saler Company Information

Company : Faramarzi International Green Economy
Mobile : 00989156899165
Phone : 00985135420483
More Information : View
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