TetraMedica HexaEx
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TetraMedica HexaEx


Each capsule contains 216 mg of 2-amino-5-nitrothiazole, which can be dissolved in water.

The packaging of this medicine is 6 capsules for 300 liters of water or 12 capsules for 600 liters of water.

The first sign of the disease is that the fish are lethargic and gather abnormally in the corner of the aquarium. Their color becomes dark and unappetizing. These symptoms are accompanied by the secretion of a sticky white substance, which is seen in baby fish with the gradual loss of dorsal and anal fins. Signs of disease progression: the release of sticky secretions from the head holes, which, of course, decreases in intensity after a few days until it becomes more acute after a while.
Treatment method:

HexaEx removes the symptoms of the disease quickly and effectively and disinfects the aquarium water. When the first symptoms of this disease are observed, it means that there are actually pathogenic symptoms in the aquarium water and in the fish's digestive system. To neutralize these factors and to prevent other fish from getting this disease, treatment with HexaEx drug should be used in the aquarium where the fish live. To be more sure, repeat this treatment after 14 days. Avoid simultaneous use of HexaEx with other drugs separately.
Usage method:

If there is no prescription for this drug, use one capsule for every 50 liters of water. First, change 1/3 of the aquarium water and then add the required number of capsules to it and ventilate the aquarium water well. Avoid filtering aquarium water with activated carbon and other absorbent materials such as ion exchange resins. In cases where the fish avoids eating even before starting the treatment and no other treatment is prescribed, repeat the treatment by doubling the amount of the drug after 14 days. After completing the treatment period (1 or 2 stages), it is important to change 1/2 or 1/3 of the water.

Do not use this medicine for fish that are intended for human consumption. Do not expose the medicine to direct sunlight and heat. keep away from children. Do not take this medicine at the same time with medicines made by other factories; Otherwise, the medicinal effect of this product is not guaranteed. Pay attention to the date of use of the drug.

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Company : Mahiran
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TetraMedica HexaEx


Each capsule contains 216 mg of 2-amino-5-nitrothiazole, which can be dissolved in water.

The packaging of this medicine is 6 capsules for 300 liters of water or 12 capsules for 600 liters of water.

The first sign of the disease is that the fish are lethargic and gather abnormally in the corner of the aquarium. Their color becomes dark and unappetizing. These symptoms are accompanied by the secretion of a sticky white substance, which is seen in baby fish with the gradual loss of dorsal and anal fins. Signs of disease progression: the release of sticky secretions from the head holes, which, of course, decreases in intensity after a few days until it becomes more acute after a while.
Treatment method:

HexaEx removes the symptoms of the disease quickly and effectively and disinfects the aquarium water. When the first symptoms of this disease are observed, it means that there are actually pathogenic symptoms in the aquarium water and in the fish's digestive system. To neutralize these factors and to prevent other fish from getting this disease, treatment with HexaEx drug should be used in the aquarium where the fish live. To be more sure, repeat this treatment after 14 days. Avoid simultaneous use of HexaEx with other drugs separately.
Usage method:

If there is no prescription for this drug, use one capsule for every 50 liters of water. First, change 1/3 of the aquarium water and then add the required number of capsules to it and ventilate the aquarium water well. Avoid filtering aquarium water with activated carbon and other absorbent materials such as ion exchange resins. In cases where the fish avoids eating even before starting the treatment and no other treatment is prescribed, repeat the treatment by doubling the amount of the drug after 14 days. After completing the treatment period (1 or 2 stages), it is important to change 1/2 or 1/3 of the water.

Do not use this medicine for fish that are intended for human consumption. Do not expose the medicine to direct sunlight and heat. keep away from children. Do not take this medicine at the same time with medicines made by other factories; Otherwise, the medicinal effect of this product is not guaranteed. Pay attention to the date of use of the drug.

Saler Company Information

Company : Mahiran
More Information : View
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