Minced fish powder
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Minced fish powder

Myktophids or lantern fish are small fish with a maximum length of 4 cm and a limited lifespan of one year. These fish live at a depth of 250 meters above the sea. The best depth for catching this type of fish is 100 to 150 meters in the sea. Miktofide fish fishing is done only with vessels equipped with fishing lanterns and "demersal" combined nets with small springs.
Deep sampling showed that the lantern fish accounted for about 65% of the total fish biomass of the deep seas. There is an annual fishing capacity of 300,000 to 400,000 tons of lantern fish in the waters of Hormozgan. The main habitat of this aquatic animal is in the waters of Jask.
Lantern fish or miktofide is caught to prepare fish powder. Fish powder prepared from lantern fish (family: Myctophidae, species: Benthosmapetrotum) has mineral compounds, amino acids and fatty acids.
Myktofida fish powder is a processed solid product that is obtained by dewatering, cooking, separating, drying and grinding Miktofida fish (lantern fish). According to the research conducted, one kilogram of myktofide fish powder is extracted from every five kilograms of miktofide fish. And with different percentages, it is used in the production of livestock and poultry feed and aquatic feed.

Application of miktofed fish powder:

The applications of this product are mostly in animal feed production plant, poultry feed production plant, aquatic feed production plant, shrimp feed production plant, preparation of tree fertilizers.

Miktofide fish powder for poultry feed: Currently, this product is widely used in the poultry industry, which is the second largest industry in the country, and contains about 6-12% of the constituents of chicken seed.
Miktofide fish powder for animal feed: this product can be used as one of the capacities to replace animal fodder in the livestock industry during drought.
Miktofide fish powder for cattle feed
Miktofide fish powder for fish food: according to statistics, in recent years with the development of aquaculture, fish powder and oil are used as fish food additives.
Miktofide fish powder for shrimp meal
Miktofide fish powder for tree fertilizer

Saler Company Information

Company : Sayadan Javan Jask
Mobile : 00989172870046
Phone : 00987633339720
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Minced fish powder

Myktophids or lantern fish are small fish with a maximum length of 4 cm and a limited lifespan of one year. These fish live at a depth of 250 meters above the sea. The best depth for catching this type of fish is 100 to 150 meters in the sea. Miktofide fish fishing is done only with vessels equipped with fishing lanterns and "demersal" combined nets with small springs.
Deep sampling showed that the lantern fish accounted for about 65% of the total fish biomass of the deep seas. There is an annual fishing capacity of 300,000 to 400,000 tons of lantern fish in the waters of Hormozgan. The main habitat of this aquatic animal is in the waters of Jask.
Lantern fish or miktofide is caught to prepare fish powder. Fish powder prepared from lantern fish (family: Myctophidae, species: Benthosmapetrotum) has mineral compounds, amino acids and fatty acids.
Myktofida fish powder is a processed solid product that is obtained by dewatering, cooking, separating, drying and grinding Miktofida fish (lantern fish). According to the research conducted, one kilogram of myktofide fish powder is extracted from every five kilograms of miktofide fish. And with different percentages, it is used in the production of livestock and poultry feed and aquatic feed.

Application of miktofed fish powder:

The applications of this product are mostly in animal feed production plant, poultry feed production plant, aquatic feed production plant, shrimp feed production plant, preparation of tree fertilizers.

Miktofide fish powder for poultry feed: Currently, this product is widely used in the poultry industry, which is the second largest industry in the country, and contains about 6-12% of the constituents of chicken seed.
Miktofide fish powder for animal feed: this product can be used as one of the capacities to replace animal fodder in the livestock industry during drought.
Miktofide fish powder for cattle feed
Miktofide fish powder for fish food: according to statistics, in recent years with the development of aquaculture, fish powder and oil are used as fish food additives.
Miktofide fish powder for shrimp meal
Miktofide fish powder for tree fertilizer

Saler Company Information

Company : Sayadan Javan Jask
Mobile : 00989172870046
Phone : 00987633339720
More Information : View
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