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Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), which is also called glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT), belongs to the group of transaminases. ALT catalyzes the transfer of the amine group from -L-alanine to ketoglutarate and its conversion to -L-glutamate.

The highest amount of the enzyme is found in the liver and kidneys and a lesser amount is found in the heart and skeletal muscles. ALT concentration increases when damage to the liver cell (necrosis or any other damage to the liver cell). The level of serum ALT activity increases significantly in toxic hepatitis and viral hepatitis. But the consumption of alcohol and various drugs increases the ALT level in a low to moderate level. Also, ALT concentration shows a slight increase in various conditions such as muscular dystrophy, hemolytic diseases, myocardial infarction.

ALT is more specific than AST (aspart aminotransferase) for liver function. Measurement of ALT and AST helps to distinguish hepatitis from other liver parenchyma injuries. On the other hand, ALT level in serum decreases when vitamin B6 is deficient.

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Company : Man health and medicine
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Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), which is also called glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT), belongs to the group of transaminases. ALT catalyzes the transfer of the amine group from -L-alanine to ketoglutarate and its conversion to -L-glutamate.

The highest amount of the enzyme is found in the liver and kidneys and a lesser amount is found in the heart and skeletal muscles. ALT concentration increases when damage to the liver cell (necrosis or any other damage to the liver cell). The level of serum ALT activity increases significantly in toxic hepatitis and viral hepatitis. But the consumption of alcohol and various drugs increases the ALT level in a low to moderate level. Also, ALT concentration shows a slight increase in various conditions such as muscular dystrophy, hemolytic diseases, myocardial infarction.

ALT is more specific than AST (aspart aminotransferase) for liver function. Measurement of ALT and AST helps to distinguish hepatitis from other liver parenchyma injuries. On the other hand, ALT level in serum decreases when vitamin B6 is deficient.

Saler Company Information

Company : Man health and medicine
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