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This herbicide is available in the market under the brand name Gallant Supper 10/8 EC. It is a group 2 and 4 aryloxyphenoxy propionic acid herbicide that is used for the post-emergence control of a wide range of annual and perennial narrow leaf weeds in broad leaf crops and gardens and is formulated as an 10.8 EC emulsion. This poison does not have any adverse effect on broad leaf crops and flowers in the recommended amount. This herbicide is not very toxic for fish and birds.

Mechanism of action:

Gallant Super disrupts the enzyme that produces fatty acids, and due to its residual activity in the soil, it also controls weeds that germinate later. This herbicide is selective and systemic and is quickly absorbed through the cuticle of the plant and is immediately transferred from the leaves to the tips of the roots and rhizomes. The main place of activity of this herbicide is the meristem tissues and its effect is much greater when the weeds are young and growing. Of course, larger weeds are usually controlled by increasing the dosage. The appearance of the symptoms of the effect of the poison is gradual and the time for complete control of the weed depends on its type and age, temperature, relative humidity of the air and soil, and in sensitive species, it needs a period of several days. During this period, the growth of root, stem and leaf is stopped and the appearance of the plant gradually spreads and the plant withers and the effects of tissue dryness along with color change appear due to the production of anthocyanin.



Gallant is a super herbicide that is used after the growth of annual and perennial weeds in broad leaf crops such as sugar beet, canola, onion, soybean and potato. Gallant Super weeds the graminea family in the early stages until before flowering, provided that they are active in the growth stage and are able to absorb the herbicide; controls

Advantages of Galant Super:

It has the least destructive effect on the environment and is quickly decomposed in soil and water by microbial activities.
It is quickly absorbed by the cuticle of the plant.
Active in most weather conditions.

Compatibility and mixing:

Gallant Super can be mixed with other narrow leaves and also with broad leaves that are used as post-emergence. It can also be mixed with herbicides such as clopyralid in sugar beet cultivation and oxadiazon in onion cultivation. Antagonistic (reduction) effects are observed in the post-emergence application of foliar extracts that inhibit lipid biosynthesis with some post-emergence foliar extracts.

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Company : GYAH
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This herbicide is available in the market under the brand name Gallant Supper 10/8 EC. It is a group 2 and 4 aryloxyphenoxy propionic acid herbicide that is used for the post-emergence control of a wide range of annual and perennial narrow leaf weeds in broad leaf crops and gardens and is formulated as an 10.8 EC emulsion. This poison does not have any adverse effect on broad leaf crops and flowers in the recommended amount. This herbicide is not very toxic for fish and birds.

Mechanism of action:

Gallant Super disrupts the enzyme that produces fatty acids, and due to its residual activity in the soil, it also controls weeds that germinate later. This herbicide is selective and systemic and is quickly absorbed through the cuticle of the plant and is immediately transferred from the leaves to the tips of the roots and rhizomes. The main place of activity of this herbicide is the meristem tissues and its effect is much greater when the weeds are young and growing. Of course, larger weeds are usually controlled by increasing the dosage. The appearance of the symptoms of the effect of the poison is gradual and the time for complete control of the weed depends on its type and age, temperature, relative humidity of the air and soil, and in sensitive species, it needs a period of several days. During this period, the growth of root, stem and leaf is stopped and the appearance of the plant gradually spreads and the plant withers and the effects of tissue dryness along with color change appear due to the production of anthocyanin.



Gallant is a super herbicide that is used after the growth of annual and perennial weeds in broad leaf crops such as sugar beet, canola, onion, soybean and potato. Gallant Super weeds the graminea family in the early stages until before flowering, provided that they are active in the growth stage and are able to absorb the herbicide; controls

Advantages of Galant Super:

It has the least destructive effect on the environment and is quickly decomposed in soil and water by microbial activities.
It is quickly absorbed by the cuticle of the plant.
Active in most weather conditions.

Compatibility and mixing:

Gallant Super can be mixed with other narrow leaves and also with broad leaves that are used as post-emergence. It can also be mixed with herbicides such as clopyralid in sugar beet cultivation and oxadiazon in onion cultivation. Antagonistic (reduction) effects are observed in the post-emergence application of foliar extracts that inhibit lipid biosynthesis with some post-emergence foliar extracts.

Saler Company Information

Company : GYAH
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