Parquet cleaner
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Parquet cleaner

This product has a high cleaning power against pus, stains and dust, Rafone parquet cleaner with a different formulation contains materials that, in addition to protecting the parquet, prevent the parquet from cracking and damage due to daily cleaning, as well as the polymer in this product. Like a protective layer, it remains on the surface and makes it resistant to the re-settlement of all kinds of pollution and dust. Due to the use of softening materials in this product, you can experience the feeling of softness when walking on the parquet, by observing the usage method mentioned on the label, it also prevents the stimulation of the static barelectricity of the floor. Easy cleaning after using the product and pleasant and pleasant aroma are other features of Rafone parquet cleaner.
Volume: 1000 ml. Quantity in a carton: 12 pieces

Saler Company Information

Company : Zolal Shimi Lya
Phone : 00982144094584
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Parquet cleaner

This product has a high cleaning power against pus, stains and dust, Rafone parquet cleaner with a different formulation contains materials that, in addition to protecting the parquet, prevent the parquet from cracking and damage due to daily cleaning, as well as the polymer in this product. Like a protective layer, it remains on the surface and makes it resistant to the re-settlement of all kinds of pollution and dust. Due to the use of softening materials in this product, you can experience the feeling of softness when walking on the parquet, by observing the usage method mentioned on the label, it also prevents the stimulation of the static barelectricity of the floor. Easy cleaning after using the product and pleasant and pleasant aroma are other features of Rafone parquet cleaner.
Volume: 1000 ml. Quantity in a carton: 12 pieces

Saler Company Information

Company : Zolal Shimi Lya
Phone : 00982144094584
More Information : View
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