Stone and ceramic cleaner
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Stone and ceramic cleaner

This product is for cleaning hard surfaces such as stone, granite, marble and ceramic surfaces, which contains strong solvents of fat and soot and makes stone and ceramic easier to clean. This product contains effective compounds to protect and maintain stone and ceramic against penetration dust and all kinds of stains. Rafone stone and ceramic cleaning liquid has strong cleaners compatible with stone and ceramic, which cleans their surface without matting. The alkaline nature of this product prevents corrosion and changing the appearance of the stone. It can be used to clean oily stains on the parking lot floor, blackness and stains on stone, ceramic and staircase tiles. The very pleasant scent of this product makes the used space fragrant.
Volume: 1000 ml. Quantity in a carton: 12 pieces

Saler Company Information

Company : Zolal Shimi Lya
Phone : 00982144094584
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Stone and ceramic cleaner

This product is for cleaning hard surfaces such as stone, granite, marble and ceramic surfaces, which contains strong solvents of fat and soot and makes stone and ceramic easier to clean. This product contains effective compounds to protect and maintain stone and ceramic against penetration dust and all kinds of stains. Rafone stone and ceramic cleaning liquid has strong cleaners compatible with stone and ceramic, which cleans their surface without matting. The alkaline nature of this product prevents corrosion and changing the appearance of the stone. It can be used to clean oily stains on the parking lot floor, blackness and stains on stone, ceramic and staircase tiles. The very pleasant scent of this product makes the used space fragrant.
Volume: 1000 ml. Quantity in a carton: 12 pieces

Saler Company Information

Company : Zolal Shimi Lya
Phone : 00982144094584
More Information : View
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