Faucet and sink cleaner
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Faucet and sink cleaner

It is a high power cleaner to remove all types of sediments and stains left due to hard water and soap stains from faucets, sinks, toilets and bathrooms. This product removes the sediments around the sink and Faucets create more gloss and shine. In the formulation of this product, compounds are used that eliminate the corrosive effects caused by acidic compounds and maximize the efficiency of the product with a pleasant aroma.
Volume: 500 ml. Quantity in a carton: 12 pieces
Volume: 750 ml. Quantity in a carton: 12 pieces
Volume: 250+750 ml. Quantity per carton: 10 pieces

Saler Company Information

Company : Zolal Shimi Lya
Phone : 00982144094584
More Information : View
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Faucet and sink cleaner

It is a high power cleaner to remove all types of sediments and stains left due to hard water and soap stains from faucets, sinks, toilets and bathrooms. This product removes the sediments around the sink and Faucets create more gloss and shine. In the formulation of this product, compounds are used that eliminate the corrosive effects caused by acidic compounds and maximize the efficiency of the product with a pleasant aroma.
Volume: 500 ml. Quantity in a carton: 12 pieces
Volume: 750 ml. Quantity in a carton: 12 pieces
Volume: 250+750 ml. Quantity per carton: 10 pieces

Saler Company Information

Company : Zolal Shimi Lya
Phone : 00982144094584
More Information : View
Online order registration form