Polymer spray for stone and ceramic cleaner
Polymer spray for stone and ceramic cleaner
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Polymer spray for stone and ceramic cleaner

This product is produced for daily use at home and work environment and is used to remove organic and inorganic stains from hard surfaces such as tiles, ceramics, and stones. This product with a special formulation contains effective compounds and fat and soot solvents and is intended to protect and maintain stone and ceramics against the penetration of dust and all kinds of stains. It is completely compatible with stone and ceramic materials and cleans them without matting the surface. The polymer in this product cleans the surface through the surface modification mechanism, so that due to frequent use, it leaves a thin layer on the surface that prevents the absorption of dirt and dust again and makes cleaning easier. This product does not cause corrosion or change the appearance of the stone and does not leave any traces after use. Due to the ease of use for the consumer and the cost-effectiveness of this facial spray product, it entered the market.
Volume: 800 ml. Number in a carton: 12 pieces

Saler Company Information

Company : Zolal Shimi Lya
Phone : 00982144094584
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Polymer spray for stone and ceramic cleaner

This product is produced for daily use at home and work environment and is used to remove organic and inorganic stains from hard surfaces such as tiles, ceramics, and stones. This product with a special formulation contains effective compounds and fat and soot solvents and is intended to protect and maintain stone and ceramics against the penetration of dust and all kinds of stains. It is completely compatible with stone and ceramic materials and cleans them without matting the surface. The polymer in this product cleans the surface through the surface modification mechanism, so that due to frequent use, it leaves a thin layer on the surface that prevents the absorption of dirt and dust again and makes cleaning easier. This product does not cause corrosion or change the appearance of the stone and does not leave any traces after use. Due to the ease of use for the consumer and the cost-effectiveness of this facial spray product, it entered the market.
Volume: 800 ml. Number in a carton: 12 pieces

Saler Company Information

Company : Zolal Shimi Lya
Phone : 00982144094584
More Information : View
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