Nano goldwash for car rims and tires
Nano goldwash for car rims and tires
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Nano goldwash for car rims and tires

Strong detergent and cleaner for fast and effective removal of stains and masses caused by carpet pollen and other environmental factors suitable for aluminum steel rims and...

With this product, you can protect and maintain your car tires with a very high cleaning power, and you can clean even the most polluted tires, and while keeping the tires soft and alive, it will restore its original shine and color and prevent it from cracking. Prevent.

You don't need water to use this product. After spraying the product on the rim and tire, you can clean the desired surface with a dry towel.

Saler Company Information

Company : Kimia Shimi Sahand
Phone : 00982144299220
More Information : View
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Nano goldwash for car rims and tires

Strong detergent and cleaner for fast and effective removal of stains and masses caused by carpet pollen and other environmental factors suitable for aluminum steel rims and...

With this product, you can protect and maintain your car tires with a very high cleaning power, and you can clean even the most polluted tires, and while keeping the tires soft and alive, it will restore its original shine and color and prevent it from cracking. Prevent.

You don't need water to use this product. After spraying the product on the rim and tire, you can clean the desired surface with a dry towel.

Saler Company Information

Company : Kimia Shimi Sahand
Phone : 00982144299220
More Information : View
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