Bojari thresher
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Bojari thresher

In 1892, the thresher was invented and successfully paired with the grain packing machine that was built in abundance in the Midwest. The success of the machine reaper created the need for the machine thresher. A few Scots built machines that paved the way for the mobile thresher that was invented in 1836 in Clanroy, Michigan. The mobile thresher separated the grain from the straw by means of a cylinder that rotates quickly, and then poured it into the bag. This important invention was modified many times and the grain suction device and automatic devices were added to it.

What does a thresher do?
Bojari thresher is actually a tool in agriculture that used to be tied to animals and moved on grains, especially wheat and barley of other grains, so that the wheat is separated from the stem and the straw and wheat are separated. Old threshers were actually one or two or three moving cylinders with blades around them and were pulled by oxen and donkeys. Today, threshers are connected to tractors or they work with tractors or electricity. Basically, Bojari threshers are designed to separate the grain from the stalk. And it was boring. You used to prepare a very small amount of product for a long time, with the invention of threshing machines, this time was greatly reduced
What exactly is a thresher?
The threshing floor was also referred to as the area or the flat, leveled and secured with rollers, where the bush of wheat was collected to dry and prepare for threshing by the machine. This ground was reinforced with clay for oven making and it was rolled like today's asphalt so that the wheat does not mix with the soil. At present, combine machines do not need a special area to thresh wheat.
What is Bojari?
Bojari is also an operation during which the seeds of all types of cereals, including wheat, barley or rice, are separated from their skin and stalk. Also, during this operation, all kinds of weed seeds, insect spores and all kinds of pests are removed from them. In the old days, this work They used to do it by hand, but today this work is done with the Bojari thresher machine, which greatly improves the quality of the work and increases the work efficiency. It is the most suitable, the most unique, the most economical, the most beautiful and the most resistant type available in Iran, a device that will surprise you with the least amount of waste and debris. The price of the Bojari thresher is excellent and reasonable.

Saler Company Information

Company : Azerbaijan Green Farm Agricultural Machinery Industrial Group
Mobile : 00989143232481
Phone : 00984152332142
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Bojari thresher

In 1892, the thresher was invented and successfully paired with the grain packing machine that was built in abundance in the Midwest. The success of the machine reaper created the need for the machine thresher. A few Scots built machines that paved the way for the mobile thresher that was invented in 1836 in Clanroy, Michigan. The mobile thresher separated the grain from the straw by means of a cylinder that rotates quickly, and then poured it into the bag. This important invention was modified many times and the grain suction device and automatic devices were added to it.

What does a thresher do?
Bojari thresher is actually a tool in agriculture that used to be tied to animals and moved on grains, especially wheat and barley of other grains, so that the wheat is separated from the stem and the straw and wheat are separated. Old threshers were actually one or two or three moving cylinders with blades around them and were pulled by oxen and donkeys. Today, threshers are connected to tractors or they work with tractors or electricity. Basically, Bojari threshers are designed to separate the grain from the stalk. And it was boring. You used to prepare a very small amount of product for a long time, with the invention of threshing machines, this time was greatly reduced
What exactly is a thresher?
The threshing floor was also referred to as the area or the flat, leveled and secured with rollers, where the bush of wheat was collected to dry and prepare for threshing by the machine. This ground was reinforced with clay for oven making and it was rolled like today's asphalt so that the wheat does not mix with the soil. At present, combine machines do not need a special area to thresh wheat.
What is Bojari?
Bojari is also an operation during which the seeds of all types of cereals, including wheat, barley or rice, are separated from their skin and stalk. Also, during this operation, all kinds of weed seeds, insect spores and all kinds of pests are removed from them. In the old days, this work They used to do it by hand, but today this work is done with the Bojari thresher machine, which greatly improves the quality of the work and increases the work efficiency. It is the most suitable, the most unique, the most economical, the most beautiful and the most resistant type available in Iran, a device that will surprise you with the least amount of waste and debris. The price of the Bojari thresher is excellent and reasonable.

Saler Company Information

Company : Azerbaijan Green Farm Agricultural Machinery Industrial Group
Mobile : 00989143232481
Phone : 00984152332142
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