  • Seen : 203 View

Product price : 55.550€
price : 55.550€

The rest of the time, you have more storage or free space - whatever you want. Otherwise our equipment will be equipped: completely individual and completely on request. The 550 compact leaves nothing to be desired, surprising with beautiful and natural furniture made of solid wood elements and providing an incredible atmosphere of the room. Is the inside bigger than the outside? You almost believe when you see a large group of four with a folding sofa, a large corner kitchen and a comfortable bathroom. Especially since other equipment is also very extensive. The 550 is just a small miracle of space, and this is mostly due to the low bed, which makes your Dexter almost two stories high. And so you can relax upstairs while reading a book in the comfortable seating area below. Or maybe a travel atlas?

Saler Company Information

Company : Karmann-Mobil
Phone : 00496701203800
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priceee : 55.550€

The rest of the time, you have more storage or free space - whatever you want. Otherwise our equipment will be equipped: completely individual and completely on request. The 550 compact leaves nothing to be desired, surprising with beautiful and natural furniture made of solid wood elements and providing an incredible atmosphere of the room. Is the inside bigger than the outside? You almost believe when you see a large group of four with a folding sofa, a large corner kitchen and a comfortable bathroom. Especially since other equipment is also very extensive. The 550 is just a small miracle of space, and this is mostly due to the low bed, which makes your Dexter almost two stories high. And so you can relax upstairs while reading a book in the comfortable seating area below. Or maybe a travel atlas?

Saler Company Information

Company : Karmann-Mobil
Phone : 00496701203800
More Information : View
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